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What do you think about "beetle shell" (druid spell) ? A fixed 200pt damage shield but you can't act. I never found a real reason to pick it for a pl3 spell, i found withdraw more effective when you need to emergency save someone (from priest or scroll). I would like to suggest some tweaks to it, i'm not fixed on what to do, i'm just throwing some idea : - less shield (100 base), no duration and allow to move, reducing stride may be ok too. - same shield but you are just rooted and can still act. - same shield, can't act, but part of the damage taken is dealt to the attacker (like pain link). - allow the shield to scale with pl.
Early barbarian are frail on potd but become monster later (starting near lvl 13). Ancient druid is really good, dot and hot are effective from start to end. If you want an easy time for frontline, paladin/chanter is king but not really fun for a mc (personnal opinion). Monk/skald are much more dynamics and very effective at damage/cc. For your team i will go : - eder main tank - xoti heal/buff - something to kill/disable mage/priest asap. Arcane archer/mage slayer with frostseeker was the most effective at it in all my playthrough. Great damage dealer/cc too. - something for debuff/cc : chanter/psion or blood mage/psion or blood mage/chanter work fine. Monk/skald is really great too. - offtank : barbarian, paladin, fighter, melee ranger and any multi of this. Offtank not necessary if you have access to summons, hard and reliable cc and backline with mobility tools.
Kinda disagree on streetfigther for this particular setup, if he go on the backlane for picking hight priority target while invisible he won't trigger the bonus speed/damage and only have malus recovery. Assassin fit better the gameplay he want. For pukestaber, you can get a ring giving immunitie to it in the island temple south of neketaka, work wonders with it
It can totally work but if you want to use dagger its better if you use the community patch and the balance polishing mod. In vanilla game, backstab is good with hight base damage weapon only (2h, and especially arquebuse). I would then multi with a monk for swift furry, lash, and bonus might/pen. You can also use your fist roleplaying your mc as a neck breaker from shadows.
I will probably take either Xoti/vatnir as SC priest and Konstanten as barbarian/skald, or Tekehu as druid/chanter and Serafen as SC barbarian. You can look on youtube for sin tee build's, old videos but still nice to watch. Some mods can change companion class, or you can use the console to do it yourself (not hard at all but disable achievement)
Speaking about cipher, i always found mind blade to be a bit disapointing, imo it rarelly do notable damage for the cost and vs others damaging spells ciphers can acess. Very situational spell (better when few ennemy remains, and even then beams are more worth it) What are you though on it? Worth buffing ?
Assassin/bellower : grab the soulbound arquebus (phrase back on kill) let tank aggro, go in invisible, cast "tear....", watch everything explode, get phrase back, stun the survivor (if any), shoot them down with finishing blow; Assasin/fighter, same but get 25 might, the 2h axe arma, and clear out the pack; Assassin/monk : monk goodies are not fair, so much great things.. Edit : assassin/ranger with takedown combo should be nice too...