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About Anor

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    Lower Franconia
  1. That's funny. A friend of me and I, we just made a "you know you're KotOR addict, if..."-list in school. Here's some of the stuff: 1. If you are proud of having a real name 2. If you are sure that without you, nothing works in the galaxy 3. If you are convinced that you can heal an ill person with just a move of your hand 4. If you start making such a list
  2. Well, the poll is about how useless a char is, and disciple can really fight, even if he looks like... And when Mira isn't a Jedi she's really pretty useless. But I still chose GOTO
  3. Read this: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?sh...pic=34846&st=15 This thread is really amazing. Lots of great stuff!
  4. I'm female and I normally prefer playing a female character if possible. There are lots of very good games where you can't choose, but if it comes to a roleplaying game, I think you should be able to choose. I think that's something very important about a roleplaying game, that you can make you're character the way you want him/her. I still would have bought it, if this feature hadn't been in it, being a jedi is just way too good! :D
  5. I really liked it, it's funny
  6. Just wanted to add something: The NSDAP got 44% in 1933 and afterwards in didn't matter anymore as parties got abolished step by step (first the communist KPD an so on). Moreover the Republic of Weimar (that's how the Republic was called before Hitler got chancellor) had a proportional representation, not a majority vote like in Great Britain. The NSDAP needed the coalition with another party to get the power. So you can't really compare this. But I really think that majoity vote isn't exactely fair, it's not really what the people wanted. But you get a strong government, that's the greatest advantage of the majority vote. And I really believe in Democracy, I mean, do we have any real choice? It can't lead to anything good if only few persons have all power. And ideas that seem to be good (from what they were meant) just don't work (like communism, it's just a plain fact that everyone is an egoist to some degree). Democracy is the logical consequence of the idea that everybody is equal. And I can't see any reason why it shouldn't be like this. I mean you can't really find any proof that some group should be superior to another.
  7. http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?sh...arty++influence I think that's what you were looking for
  8. Mira. I would have chosen her. Don't know... But yes, GOTO. I really would like to kill him. He didn't even ask if he could join. This droid drove me crazy. So annoying. But how could anyone want to kill Atton? The scoundrel ^^
  9. Yes, Spartans. They were fighting each other to find out who's strongest. Rather a dead hero than a living coward. Sounds like Mandalorian, doesn't it?
  10. Don't forget Revan. He/She is a Jedi, too. At least when you've played LS. And I can't believe that Jolee and Juhani have been killed. But the idea that Joda has been trained by my Padawan's Padawan's ... Padawan, I like that ^^
  11. I think everybody should be able to choose who Revan was. I personally couldn't stand a male Revan, but I can understand those who want a male one. It would destroy the atmosphere of a third part if Revan wasn't the person you liked that much in the first part. One solution would be no Revan at all, but that's not satisfying at all.
  12. Hey, can anyone tell me where I can find Carth in TSL ? *Please* I must have missed it. I just can't understand how this could happen! I had a LS female in Kotor I and have to know it!!
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