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Everything posted by InsaneCommander

  1. It tried start reading Rhythm of War only to notice I don't remember everything that happened in the previous book. After reading a summary of Oathbringer I can finally start it. Btw, considering each book takes 3-4 years to be released, the series will be 10 books long and Brandon Sanderson will stop* for a while after book five, then this will only finish in the 2040s. Probably before A Song of Ice and Fire, though. *Stop simply meaning writing other books like Mistborn era 2 (3?).
  2. I think the real question is: did anyone call the police? Imagine seeing a grown up man with a little girl in a teenager's clothes shouting "Mamo-chan! Mamo-chan!"
  3. Finished it. In the last episode
  4. Goblin Slayer 1-6 I totally missed the “viewer discretion advised” in the first episode and so was taken by surprise. Despite that, it is a pretty good anime with lots of fun references to rpgs, like adventurers being anything from lawful good to chaotic evil and some explicitly saying that they need to get experience to level up.
  5. After that I needed to watch this one to feel better:
  6. You are correct. Makoto did it first. And Hotaru... is Hotaru.
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