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About Rodatam

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator


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  1. Feliz anivers
  2. So man, did they REALLY restored the audio on this patch? thanks
  3. sodoma? well.... huh... how can i explain... AHHH Sonoma! sorry hehehe its the codename for new centrino
  4. what is the samurai code name again? i think its the samurai one
  5. the geforce 6600 is an 6800 with 128bits and 8 pipes (instead of 256, 12) cant see where it can be better.....
  6. Look at the email i received after my complaints to LA
  7. i think they can do a game with an extremelly good story AND eye candy graphics
  8. Calm down, all this hatred inside your heart can lead you to the dark side of the force besides, i prefer a GOOD patch than an rushed one...
  9. you can try downloading the english version and installing i mean, its not wrong because you have the original game and paied for it, if you didnt, them dont
  10. WOW Very nice artwork we have here, you really have the skills and the cut ending comic was amazing, you could make some more, its REALLY good material
  11. i think that maybe if they let the fans do the mod the ending could be officialy restored they release the modding tools, the modders do the endings, release into community, they analize the feedback/bugs/etc, so they can get the mod, analyze it, get some aproval from lucasarts and put into a patch they will just need to take a look...
  12. they should finish kotor2 first......
  13. is Candy THAT old?
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