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Everything posted by kyppeh

  1. Great work, they should keep the forums open just so you can post more of these kind of comics
  2. why not just make a sticky in each forum with "we developers are busy making new games and patches and do not have a lot of times to make replies on this forum" and then keep the forums open like they are.
  3. If you cant find the chasis just cheat, uhm i mean edit your game using this wonderfull tool --> Click Me <--
  4. uhm if you had enough of the basilisk discussion why start it a new?
  5. Quick and easy would have been pushing the big red button and blowing mandalorian parts all over that damned rock he was standing on, only thing i can suggest is try to be more evil rescue is to nice anyways. The dialog is not really what i want as a DS either but atleast its better then KOTOR I. I also have to say that i have trouble gathering in my DS points on my second playtrough wich im doing now but that might also be because im just to much a LS player and hate killing my jedi masters well exept vrook
  6. atleast atris was better looking
  7. --> Click Me <-- tho not really a mod i do suggest you try the savegame editor, lots of fun things you can do with it, i specially like changing mandalore to the helmles version.
  8. oh just thought of somthing, HK-47 is an assasin droid posing as a protocol droid righht? the HK-50 also and in the same time caused wars and death by translating not really correctly at important meetings C3PO has been in the movies from the start and has been trough the clone wars and a lot of other wars till the Vong also? (didnt read all those books) My theory is that anaking used parts of HK models to make c3po and c3po is the cause of all those wars and skirmishes!! isnt it a coincedes that he happens to be in an important position all the time during the conflicts?? C3PO is secretly an HK unit!!!
  9. Luke is a bit of an idiot indeed, i like the books beter then the movies anyways. Only have somthing against the Vong, its like - hey we need somthing new and dangerous to face the new republic - Oh, i know lets make a giant space thing that shoots lasers and stuff - No we already did that like 4 times we need somthing original. - Let some aliens attack them and crush the jedi!! - But the force is connected to all living things and the jedi could use their magical powers aginst the poor aliens. - O lets have them not be a part of the force!! So i saw the movies read the books and always thought the force was connected to all living things and then suddenly there comes this magical race who is purly evil and happens to not be part in the force, didnt like it a bit. Oh and the cloned emperors im ignoring that ever happend:P, thats the beauty of SW for me, take the bits you like ignore the rest.
  10. HK fights Mandalore? what, when where? is this somthing that happend in kotor2 that i missed? Back on your reply, if you mean mandelore in kotor 2 is deas so could not be there i suggest you spend sopme more time with him ingame and get his story. If you mean somthing else ignore my rambling.
  11. maybe General Grievious(sp?) is actually an HK-278
  12. Its a big job but i do hope you can pull it off, best of luck with it, ill be keeping a close eye on this project
  13. first internet petition i signed, doubt it will help but signed it anyways. o well atleast i got a cool number 2929
  14. Yes i know it wa scut out sadly was just getting my hopes up for some more info on the location or anything else o well thx for the info and fast reply i que sill just have to kill some innocent meatbags to make myself feel better, tho im really getting concerned that my PC might have died and has been turned into a zombie by kreia by the way he looks atm "
  15. I just started my second game earlier today and decided to go DS/M with revan being DS/M also, since i never really tried to get influence wih HK in my previous LS/M game i decided i wanted to find out some things about KOTOR I form him this time around. I was kinda bored with the starting level and decided to download the save game editor and give me a lightsaber to get trough it a bit faster well in the list of items i see the HK parts and decide to give my self a head start. After a lot of hassle getting to the hawk again i repaired my "protocol droid". Well after taking some dialog options(cant recall the exact ones) he gives me a (twilek?) saying wich my PC translates, HK not ecpecting that askes how i know so many languages and i tell him about the voice recording thingy i found wile i scammed the HK-50 droid. HK-47 then explains to me that its also a tracing device for the 50's but we might be able to pinpoint the factory they are comming from with it next time they try to use it!!!!! So now im wondering if i get to the next encounter with the HK-50's could it be i actually get a location?? or was just just a bit of text everyones gets and was forgotten when they cut all the stuff out of the game?? Any info on this matter would be greatly appreciated.. Once again i apologise for any and all spelling mistakes but i hope its readable..
  16. Well then it seems its time for me to get out of my lurking mode and make my first post on the forum I have been following the game since the forums first opend here, went sligtly mad when the delay was announced for us Euro's and never dared going in the spoiler section till i completed my own game. Well now i finished it two days ago i must say i loved the game found it better then the original when i was nearing the end i heared about some concerns about the open end. But hell im one of those guys tha still loves the original fallout series so much i still play them now and then so i had all trust in the end it would more then satisfy me. I was grosly mistaken then end made just no sence and thus I made my way into the spoiler forum for the first time and was simply shocked when i found this post, reading all this cut content was just the convo's i was expecting when i was playing the end part of the game( end as is as soons as the slaughter on Dantooine) These are all the explanations that were missing and I would just love to play trough the game again with all this in it, Im hoping for a miracle mod or a sweet patch but would this be possible with the lack of tools for modders and the xbox vs pc struggle? Anyways I want to thank all who found this cut content and shared it with us, and a special thanks to Aurora who kick started this thread, Eji for creating the sound files, tu2thepoo for making a site hope it becomes a center form where its easy to see and hear the missing bits instead of browsing to a 35+ thread again:). Final note, im sorry for my english but its not my native language and im having a bit of a hangover.
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