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Everything posted by Exertim

  1. No one cares.
  2. Wow Nuke, WHO CARES? Jesus christ. I know its subpar to use things like this on a Star Wars forum, but you win the Nerd of the year award.
  3. I really do hope Obsidian starts banning trolls like vxronin if they decide to keep the boards open.
  4. KoTOR 2 was an awesome game even with the damaged ending. I can only imagine how much better it would be with the proper ending that already has the voice files recorded and everything. It would be a instant classic. Don't listen to morons like Darth Nuke. I read that thread, and he makes the biggest fuss about minor crap.
  5. I don't think you can get Atris in your party... She's just a plot character, like Vrook... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Atris was probably at one point in time before retail a Party member. Why else is she in the concept art fighting Nehelis (sp)? To add to this, I found a group portrait of her via the KSE program.
  6. Bioware is a older company, while Obsidian is a new company that had just released their first game. I don't think its fair to compare the two, even though alot of the Obisidian crew worked with Bioware to create the classic Baldur's Gate series.
  7. Its done folks. We're going to have to hope and pray the modders will come out with something - I for one will buy future Obsidian products. They're a new company that was given the task to create a sequal to a game that was awesome and unmatched when it came to Star Wars RPG, so I believe they had alot of pressure on them. We've all seen what Obsidian is capable of (If you haven't seen the old ending, it was brilliant - real shame it had to be cut), and I'm confident they'll do a much better job on their next game.
  8. Looks like you're more into the Dark Side than Lightside.
  9. So I was bored today, and decided to rummage through TSL files. I found the cut dialogue / voice overs, etc, but what caught my eye was the fact that there was a Atris group member portrait. Does anyone have any further information on this?
  10. The KOTOR II storyline had so MUCH potential, but it blew up near the end. Too many plot holes, etc - it just looked very rushed. I wouldn't really blame Obsidian for it at all, afterall, they were probably rushing to meet their deadline from LucasArts. /sigh Guess I'll hope KOTOR III is better if one is ever made. If Obsidian is ever able to add in a real ending or additional content, that would be excellent.
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