sounds like you like it the hard way. *meow* hehe.
Honestly, I think Vrook is just being an a** because he didn't like the Exile in the first place. He's a whiny jedi master who seems to want to put the Exile in his/her place. Oh yeah, don't get me started on the arrogant part.
I'll enjoy killing him but there's the option for Atton's saber. hehe. Vrook's a bastard, a royal pain in the a**. Honestly, if I know anyone that annoying in RL, I would have exercise my arm muscle and slap him.
I love Atton, he's my favorite character in the game. I don't mind Disciple but all he talks about is the republic and that's so boring. I wish he has more nice/naughty things to say.
Interesting how Kreia is not on the list, noting that she's female but obviously not attractive enough to reach the list. =) I picked Yuthura. I didnt like any of the other choices, Visas comes a close second. She would have been my vote if she had eyes.
I always thought the cut scene with Kreia and Disciple and Kreia said 'betrayer'. I thought she meant herself since Disciple would have figured out who she was.
Jedi Consolur , Weapon Master
THe time I played Jedi Consulor, Jedi Master, Traya fried me. Yeah, didn't have Force Immunity then.
Since then, I almost always take a melee class either the first or the prestige one.
I'm sure they'll change their minds when giving labour to a child with horns...
Ewww. that's gross. The thought of it, that is.