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Jordan Joestar

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Everything posted by Jordan Joestar

  1. Maybe they can learn from their mistakes. I pledged for The Bard's Tale IV because few months before I played Legend Of Grimrock 1 & 2 and I literally fell in love for Dungeon Crawlers. I've something about the mistakes that InXile made with T:ToN and it's sad, because Planescape Torment is a masterpiece.
  2. Nice. Before place a pladge for the game I'll wait for some pics of the statue. I prefer 2 boxes with different sizes with a boxed game of the same dimensions of the standard box of PoE. Andrea, are you italian?
  3. The statue will be the full Od Nua'statue or only its head?
  4. Before backing the "Collector's Edition + statue" I'd like to see a pic of the statue. Where I can find it, if exist? I've read that the Od Nua statue is 10", approximatively 25cm (NICE!!!), but I don't understand if it will be only a replica of the Od Nua's big head or the full statue, from it feets to the head.
  5. So, there will be a new Kickstarter campaign? I prayed the Lord for a new chapter of "Vampire: The Masquerade", but ok, maybe in the near future...
  6. Until October 25 will be possible to play Star Citizen for free with the following code that gives access to all current flight ready ships and it's free. First of all go to the Cloud Imperium Games: https://www.robertsspaceindustries.com Sign up and during filling of the registration form, where its requested the "referral code", that gives you a bonus of 5000 UEC (in-game value), copy and paste the following code: STAR-QG3D-2S54 Now, you have your account, than go to the Home Page and at the top of it you can see "Have the CitizenCon Code? Enter it here!"; click it and instert this code: CITCONFLIGHT2K15 Have fun and if you have any questions please contact me. Furthermore, if you want to support the project you can find on the store the game packs for any pocket.
  7. So, the special weapons for the basic game don't have the feature "soulbound"?
  8. E.Y.E.: Divine Cybermancy After this I'll play: Batman serie PayDay 2 Jade Empire KOTOR I KOTOR II
  9. I'll wait both parts and a boxed edition would be awesome!
  10. Awesome! I don't see the expansion on Steam. What is the price?
  11. I contacted Paradox and they said that my order had been stuck in the system of their logistics partner Shipwire. After my email they provided to ship my boxed copy and arrived yesterday morning in Italy. I waited for a long time but everything went well.
  12. Nothing has changed nor any email from Paradox has arrived. I have no hurry, but this situation isn't good.
  13. I live in Italy and I read "Shipping Soon" but I don't have received any email from Paradox.
  14. Shipping soon but no email from Paradox. I live in Italy.
  15. I only know that a retail version of the game is available on this site.
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