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Everything posted by votemarvel

  1. Sometimes when you uninstall a program/game the folder it creates in the Program Files directory is not always deleted. Check that and if it is still there delete it, then try to install again.
  2. I've also noticed that in a lot of locations the characters voices get a very tinny echo to them.
  3. Well I downloaded the audio pack, the movies one was too big for me and I tend to skip them if I am able. But with the new audio installed I tend to get a very tinny hollow echo on the characters voices, the music is fine though. Anyone else get this?
  4. Oddly I have found that in many of the areas that you take a framerate hit, if you run toward the camera the game will run fine. Its a little awkward to do but it does let you get out of the areas. Another oddity was that I no longer get a massive framerate drop since I have installed a nvidia card (GeForce 5200 128mb), it ca get a little laggy at times but nothing like it was when I had my Radeon 9250 installed.
  5. Probably because most games reviewers don't actually play the game to the finish before writing their reviews, and most of the major flaws with Knights of the Old Republic 2 don't start appearing until 3/4 of the way through. Most reviews of the game I've seen where I live, in the UK, place the game around 80%, because of the poor quality movies and odd glitching with some graphics cards. I don't think I read a single review which mentioned the ending of the game.
  6. There are various programs that will let you recover deleted data from the hard drive but if you have used the computer a lot since the save was deleted it becomes more unlikely that it wont be able to be recovered. The easiest way is to do what the others in the thread have mentioned and that is to see if their is an Autosave, close to where he was previously.
  7. To be honest I tried all the above solutions to get KOTOR2 running with my Radeon 9250 but with no luck, the only thing that worked for me was to get a Nvidia card. It was a real pain to have to do it too, as the radeon ran all my other games really well.
  8. Head to http://www.belarc.com/free_download.html and download and use the free tool. Not only will this give you info on your motherboard but on all the other pieces of hardware in your computer.
  9. From your posted specs it seems that you are using your computers onboard graphics and that KOTOR2 jsut doesn't like it (Vid Card Status=Fail). Its might be worth checking out the website of the people who made your motherboard to see if they have any updates for the onboard graphics but I'm afraid its most likely that you will have to splash the cash and buy a new graphics card.
  10. http://www.omegadrivers.net/ has the l;atest versions of the drivers which they have fixed to be abkle to run on all hardware. Might be worth giving them a shot.
  11. Thanks for the reply. I should have added that I'm in England so the cost of importing the cards would likely bump the price up beyond my pocket. To be honest I am luckey if I have
  12. I know neither of these cards is top of the range but for the moment they are the best I have, my pocket just won't stretch to a better one. I have a 2.4ghz intel celeron processor and 768mb of Ram and am running Windows XP with service pack one. Thanks for your opinions.
  13. It fixes the corrupt manual that was installed.
  14. Have you checked to see if your onboard graphic card has been disabled? had the same problem with my sound card not being detected, even though it worked fine, it wasn't detected until I went into the bios and disabled the onboard sound. You might have the same problem.
  15. Yes I experienced exactly the same problem when running the game on my Radeon 9250 128mb card. T3-M4 would freeze after a few paces and then would not be able to move although the camera could be moved and all options accessed. I had to constantly save the game after each freeze, quit the game completely and reload and advance a few more paces and start the proceedure again. I tried every combination of the ATI drivers I could find, both official and the Omega versions, tried the fix of putting the Open GL driver from 4.11 in the folder with the latest drivers installed, nothing worked, hell I even installed another operating system completely with no use. Unfortunately the only way around it I could get to work for me was to replace my radeon card with a GeForce4 card (only cost me
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