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Wouldn't recommend focusing on one. It'll be a pain if you switch to a different companion(unless custom made). You'll need to be sure that companion has the same skills as the one you switched it out for. The only benefit for focusing would be that you can pass certain companion-individual-skillcheck. Otherwise It doesn't matter if you put 4 points in 1 companion, or 2 points each on 2 companions. Mechanics is an exception though, unless you don't care about locked chests. One companion should focus completely on that(till I think 13).
Incel is just a new word for virgin. Like thot is a new word for s**t. That's all it means - it's a way of shaming men who haven't had sex, or aren't "studs". Every male who has ever existed has seen this in high school - the sex bragging etc. It's in its way a very teenage word. It's just the rebirth of a very old idea. I'm not sure its accurate to ascribe political ideology to a word that just means you can't get laid. I'd personally be suspicious of any doomsdaying threat narrative article that does so, especially if peoples way of doing so is taking the ideas of some subreddit as an emergent ideological faith. You can't get by a day without some moral panic from the left about some new bogeyman - Nazi's, the far left, the alt-right, mra's, male supremicists and how they are all going to take over the world and bring about the demise of liberal democracy. I guess that's why the handmaidens tale does so well. The right used to do the same thing, banging on about satanic child abuse, reds under the bed, or how d&d turns people into serial killers. They still do sometimes. Maybe sometimes those risks are valid, but most of the time a moral panic seems to be unjustified. Personally as someone who is 40, I've got no time for people who think being a virgin is something to be ashamed of. You shouldn't seek your validation in other people, life will teach you that one way or another. Nor do I have much time for moral panics either - civilisation is probably an instable proposition anyway. Everything from food scarcity as the population grows, war, to national debt causing a global depression, to an asteroid wiping us out is always on the cards. Those threats are always there. Society is changing at a pace, and that itself could be unstable. Easier just to enjoy what you have, support reasonable thinking, and accept that not everything is in your control. It's *really* important to note that "incel" is *NOT* simply another term for a virgin. EVERYBODY is a virgin until a certain point in their lives; not everybody is an incel. "Incel" is a term *from their subculture* that is used by people to self-identify as members of a particular subculture. This subculture revolves entirely around these mens inability to obtain a sexual relationship, to such an extent that they consider "not having sex" to be a, perhaps the, *defining trait* of their life. They've developed all sorts of subcultural jargon revolving around this aspect of their lives; "incel", "a chad", "a stacy', etc. It's highly interwoven with the "pick-up artist" subculture, as the people who describe themselves as "incels" are basically the monetary bread-and-butter of the pick-up artists "self-help" career. Incel was coined as a derogatory term for virgin. It's a meme. Much like "chad" is a meme. And 'stacy'. Incels didn't invent the term, nor stacy, nor chad. These are all just words millennials made up online, in their little jingoistic way to describe things. if it's become associated with some subreddit, or online subculture, that's secondary to it's inception, and general meaning - an insult for guys who can't get sex. When you look at the hackjobs the left have done on MRAs or the new right, or centrists like Jordan Peterson, I'd definately be relunctant to get my info directly from them. Feminists have latched onto this term much like they did "nice guy tm". Could be that this subculture of people who self-describe as incels is exactly as you say. Or maybe it's exaggerated. Hard to say, but the feminist quarter doesn't have a good track record in hyperbole and moral panic. Source? Because this article claims something completely different. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/apr/25/woman-who-invented-incel-movement-interview-toronto-attack Summarized. The term is coined by a woman for herself and to look for like-minded people. Wasn't meant as an insult, nor focused solely on men.
Inadvertent bounty?
Hybridsalmon replied to JFutral's topic in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire Stories (Spoiler Warning!)
The bounties exist, regardless of the quests you accepted. So you could explore the whole Deadfire, collect all the heads and then deliver them in one go if you so wish. Don't think it's a bug. -
Did anyone found sugar ?
Hybridsalmon replied to XANi's topic in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire Stories (Spoiler Warning!)
Bought 3x sugar from the innskeeper in The King's Coffin in Dunnage. -
Timed quests list?
Hybridsalmon replied to pstone's topic in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire Stories (Spoiler Warning!)
I think Eder's quest where you need to find the ship. Not sure though. -
Eders quest
Hybridsalmon replied to Dokuhime's topic in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire Stories (Spoiler Warning!)
It's on the right side of Magran's Teeth. Annoying quest though. I searched the area between Neketa and Magran's Teeth several times(since they said they just left an hour ago, so I thought I'd see them sailing), but ofcourse no. There goes 'I'll find them immediatly'. -
Hybridsalmon replied to thornelemental's topic in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire Stories (Spoiler Warning!)
I've heard there's a bug with the save import. I saved Vela, but she's not here in my playthrough. Could be that. -
Just a protip to everyone playing, boarding is absolutely NOT the way to go. Your ship gets screwed up every time, even if you do it the hard way, you can get crew injuries easily, you actually get less loot, and your sailors gain less exp. The benefits are much higher to playing the ship battles out traditionally. Once you get good cannons and learn how to really do the battles it isn't that time consuming or hard. I have sunk a galleon with the starter ship for example. It is all about getting good guns (either close range or long), leveling up your crews skills, then staying within your optimum firing range but outside your enemies. As far as the accuracy thing goes, I think it is the chance to hit, not be hit, not that it matters. The key things to hitting is good cannoners (Cannoneers? Cannon Guys?), and being in optimum range with your guns. You have that, and you do a full stop before firing, you are going to be getting 100% shots. From my experience, going for a boarding action(not the option where the game will say you'll lose x hp, and x injured) will result in the same results except that you don't need to buy cannonballs and repairkits as much. Depends on what ship you have though. Since I bought my galleon I don't bother with boarding since destroying an enemy can be done in no time though. Then again, it also depends on the enemy. If it's an enemy with half a crew, and half the cannons then just shooting will be yield the same results or better.
With the same reasoning I actually came to my conclusion. The junk is bigger so would be easier to hit. The others are smaller so less chance of hitting. But it seems it'd be unnecessary if the Hit-Chance would actually mean your chances of hitting. If you performered a maneauver or the enemy did one your chance of hitting gets lower (had around 20%). If you Stop before you shoot you can increase your chances to 100%. So the Hit-Chance of your chance to hit wouldn't be that useful information. Could be wrong though.
Was bit annoyed that the ship vendor would only give you limited info on the ships(and I haven't found any other info online). So I made this for ease. Boarding's still the way to go but I do like the naval battles. These are base statistics without any upgrades or crew. I assume Hit-Chance would mean how difficult a target you are towards enemies. Majority of the people are saying Hit-Chance would mean the chance that you'll hit the enemy though. *Navigator increases Travel Speed with 5 per level. *Fully assigned Deck increases Travel Speed with 16 if a Navigator is also present.
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