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About dlux

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    Righteous Paladin of the Obsidian Order
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  1. I'm just going by what the OP wrote: I have personally not checked if this is fact, but I don't think he would lie. It would also be pretty typical behavior of the far-left communist brigade that roams those places. Anyway, Ms. Kennedy is quite obviously an anti-Capitalist, but I am not sure if she is just another confused lefty that really means no harm or if she would truly prefer to work for a state-owned public utility, formally called Microsoft, in a hypothetical United States of Soviet America. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Anyhoo, respond again and maybe I'll dig some more. Undoubtedly there is more to find.
  2. So paraphrased: Capitalism = Good Crony Capitalism = Not So Good I don't see any problem with that statement, but I'm not surprised that SJWs and post-modernists once again have their panties in a bunch, because Boyarsky didn't endorse full-blown global communism and one-world government fantasies.
  3. Good. Romance in video games is extremely controversial. It is better not to bother with it and just make a good game.
  4. Please don't. I can't stand the guy. Not to mention that he doesn't like gaming or gamers.
  5. Logging back in after about 2 1/2 years just to say that I mostly agree with the RPG Codex review. Although I was a huge advocate of the project at first during the Kickstarter, I didn't like the direction that the game was going which is why I removed my pledge and left the project. Sad to see that most of my fears have been confirmed, I wish I could say that I really like the game and I was wrong for leaving the project, but I can't. I wanted for PoE to be on par with the IE games, but after playing it for a while I have determined that each and every IE game is clearly and vastly superior to PoE from a gameplay perspective (in my opinion). I would like to finish PoE, but I don't think that I will be able to. :/ I hope that you take the the criticism to heart when making PoE 2, although I doubt that this would be the case if PoE is a financial success. Kudos to the art team, you guys did an absolutely amazing job. Gruß
  6. If there's a problem D'lux will sort it out for you, you can rely on it No, I won't (anymore). I have become extremely sceptical about this game after the last update and reddit ama, so I removed my $168 pledge. I cannot be part of the Obsidian Order anymore, which means somebody else has to update the lists. Just wanted you to know that.
  7. If we don't get kill XP, then we will avoid combat as much as possible, which is only a good mechanic for a game like Deus Ex or a game with rather linear levels imo. This is the kind of thing that makes your eyes roll in disgust whenever you have to kill trash mobs - because the reward is practically non-existant. Annoying and worthless combat.... Check!
  8. This sounds a bit strange to me... Why would I lose Stamina from getting hit (and not from attacking)? I know it is just a mechanic, but it should at least make sense. Because this game will likely become a test site where Josh and Tim can go wild with extravagant and fancy ideas. No xp for kills, HP regenerate on their own during combat (so you can take cover) etc. No ****. Looks like they never heard of "don't fix it if it isn't broken" and "never change a winning formula/team". These changes to the mechanics are substantial - the game is starting to look more and more like a Dragon Age 2 / New Vegas Hybrid every day. wtf.
  9. I play Modern Warfare on super duper hard - man, that is not forgiving at all either. lol So I guess that would be a great system for PE also. lol
  10. Not for me. Planescape and Baldur's Gate are the best RPGs ever made (imo), and I do not like the fact that they are trying to fix many basic mechanics that these games used, even though they are not broken. Because your main health pool (here stamina) regenerates rapidly by itself. Dragon Age 2 FTW!!! ^^ But at least I can say: Good riddance sleep spamming. You won't be getting kill XP, so you will avoid combat as much as possible, which is only a good mechanic for a game like Deus Ex or a game with rather linear levels imo. This is the kind of thing that makes your eyes roll in disgust whenever you have to kill trash mobs - because the reward is practically non-existant. Annoying combat.... Check! Are you sure? The whole main campaign might be level scaled (like in New Vegas). I have no idea how much they mean when they say "a little level scaling"... because New Vegas used a lot of level scaling, the whole main campaign used extensive level scaling, which was a huge part of the game. I was at least hoping that they would use encounter scaling (like in BGT), but maybe it is too hard to implement or something. ^^
  11. XP only for completing objectives - and regernerating health?! Well, Project Eternity is now turning into an action RPG. lol Might as well name it "Call of Eternity", it already has guns! haha Yup, old school RPGs are truly dead, you heard it from Obsidian - the guys that wanted to revive the genre. ^^ It's kind of funny watching the devs play D&D, I think a round of "Call of Duty" would have been more appropriate. I'm outta here!
  12. XP only for completing objectives - and regernerating health?! Well, Project Eternity is now turning into an action RPG. lol Might as well name it "Call of Eternity"! Yup, old school RPGs are truly dead, you heard it from Obsidian - the guys that wanted to revive that genre. ^^
  13. This sounds a bit strange to me... Why would I lose Stamina from getting hit (and not from attacking)? I know it is just a mechanic, but it should at least make sense.
  14. No JUSTIN Sweet! Do it internally Obsidian and save money, have Rob, Polina or whomever you like make the portraits! My avatar is less childish than you. So I am childish, because my opinion differs from yours?
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