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'GM' last won the day on April 10 2019

'GM' had the most liked content!


84 Excellent

About 'GM'

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    (2) Evoker
    (2) Evoker

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    Lots of stuff

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  1. Yeah when our inner most personalities crept forth, lol!
  2. I've been around, honestly!! I'll look in but just haven't much to say I guess. Far cry from my big blabber mouth days of long long ago!!!
  3. Yeah and I'm still waiting and wondering. But it's good to see you're apparently okay. You're missed!! We're all getting older, heck it's been what, 21 or 22 years since we all met at blackisle? Maybe longer... And it's good seeing the rest of you too! I'm always up for a reunion!!!
  4. I vote Fiji!!!!!
  5. Oh goodie! Do we get to choose?
  6. What's a global mod? Why is it great?
  7. I know! One of my brothers actually thought he would never see me again when I met Ace for the first time, lol! Probably disappointed when I eventually showed up again.
  8. Oh cool, I used to love love LOVE those games.
  9. I'm glad you did too. Who knows, maybe we'll get that Blackisle reunion eventually afterall!
  10. I'm thinking more of it building pressure from excessive juggling. I guess it's possible. The bubble wrap is a must though!
  11. Lol, now to figure out how to transport it without it bursting open! I've seen how those packages are tossed about!
  12. Well breweries do it all the time, lol! We haven't bottled in a couple years, just kegging. We're just little people, brewing in the garage. Next batch, bottling. Then I'll send you some!
  13. Don't know if Iron Horse distributes in your area, (they're local for us) but this is one of the best stouts we've tried that isn't our own. Very smooth. They make a seasonal stout too, Cozy Sweater, that's even smoother.
  14. You guys look good. Lyra's adorable! Hard to believe she's that big now.
  15. I love Grim Dawn. I don't have the Forgotten Gods expansion though. My last playthrough I played an Occultist/Demolitionist. So far my favorite combo. The last game I bought was Red Dead Redemption2.
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