Some crates, bookshelves and others places the highlight won't appear or disappear depending at where you are, in Queens Berth, for example, after the first scene at the docks, go right and there will be a barrel to the left and a crate to the right of it, For me, the crate only highlight after I have some distance of it.
I had a problem at the fort where we call a guy when he plays the piano, At his quarters, there's a bookshelf where it won't highlight too.
Hello there,
Some crates, bookshelves and others places the highlight won't appear or disappear depending at where you are, in Queens Berth, for example, after the first scene at the docks, go right and there will be a barrel to the left and a crate to the right of it, For me, the crate only highlight after I have some distance of it.
I had a problem at the fort where we call a guy when he plays the piano, At his quarters, there's a bookshelf where it won't highlight too.
Edited by renoturks2 answers to this question
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