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Chanter not actually chanting their phrases!



Using Tekehu. I don't know when exactly this started, but I noticed recently that I haven't been able to use more than one invocation at the start of the fight. Sure enough, in combat I just observe Tekehu and he is not chanting any phrases. I have tried changing chants, but he just doesn't seem to be wanting to do chants anymore.




Attached is a dropbox link to a saved game and output log: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/w3s1c184t3pe65n/AABS1M3jRPMqGcjD7VmsrtOBa?dl=0


Here is a screenshot of Tekehu with no chants active (and sitting at 0 phrases after the initial invocation). post-58316-0-55869300-1526234343_thumb.jpg

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Tekehu starts combat with 5 phrases and then will only start chanting if I monkey with the save chants until something kicks loose. Also, when they do run, the game keeps reverting back to his first saved chant.

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Hey, thelee. I loaded up your save file and neither your main character or Tekehu has their AI set to do anything. To remedy this, open up your character sheet and select the head with the gears under the character's portrait. Under AI behavior, go ahead and select Chanter Aggressive or Chanter Defensive, (depending on how you want him to act) and save it from there. Do the same with your main character and you should be all set. Please let me know if you need anything further.


Achilles, please attach a save file and we'll take a look at your issue, too.




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Hey, thelee. I loaded up your save file and neither your main character or Tekehu has their AI set to do anything. To remedy this, open up your character sheet and select the head with the gears under the character's portrait. Under AI behavior, go ahead and select Chanter Aggressive or Chanter Defensive, (depending on how you want him to act) and save it from there. Do the same with your main character and you should be all set. Please let me know if you need anything further.


Achilles, please attach a save file and we'll take a look at your issue, too.




Sorry, but this is orthogonal to my issue. Even with Tekehu having no specific AI set, he will chant on his own, automatically. Just occasionally he stops regardless doing anything, even though he is still doing auto-attacks.


Like I said, randomly selecting chants outside of combat will "unstick" whatever is causing him to stop singing and he'll start again in fights after.


EDIT: i also don't know what having AI behavior set would do, because both chanter things only affect what invocations are used. But just to confirm, I did set some AI when this problem cropped up again just now, and it doesn't fix anything. Tekehu doesn't sing any chants.

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Tekehu starts combat with 5 phrases and then will only start chanting if I monkey with the save chants until something kicks loose. Also, when they do run, the game keeps reverting back to his first saved chant.


You know what, I just noticed this most recent time Tekehu got stuck that he had switched to his starter chant on his own. I'm going to try nuking it myself.

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Tekehu is not chanting for me, he has more than 4 chants in his chant list, and when I try to rename chants, the list just grows (A,B,C,D,A,B,C ...). Trying to switch chants seems to have no effect. It's completely bugged. Even the chant editor is bugged, where I can't see the first chant I add as if the horizontal scroll bar has some sort of offset added to it even when it's set all the way to the left.

Does Obsidian have knowledge of this bug? It kind of makes Tekehu useless, since all he can do is cast a single spell at the beginning of combat and then just auto attack.

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I used to have this issue with Tekehu from time to time, though it eventually went away on its own. I always play with AI switched off for total control of the characters, and chanters are definitely supposed to chant without it. I did remove his starter chant at some point, which is what may have caused the problem to stop occurring, though I cannot confirm it.


I don't think I noticed any UI bug with the chant editor though, so that may be a separate issue.

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Have you tried deleting his starting chant?

Yooo, i loaded your save file, and what you say is true, the bug doesn't occur anymore. 


As for me, I made him a full chanter, and also i have a bunch of saved phrases.  I have several chanting phrases set as  A,B,C,B,A,A,B,B,C,D,D

The saved phrases just stays there, it doesnt go away even after retraining Tekehu's Level back to 1.





Here is my savefile if you would like to help,


i'll be trying to fix it as well, ill just fiddle around see what works, (what did you mean by killing his starter chant exactly?)

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Just had this happen on my healing aura paladin/chanter Pellagrina. Game-breaking bug. Really, really pissing me off. She has chants on her list that aren't even part of her spec now...This needs to be addressed immediately.

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Hi, Carnifexus. I'm sorry you've run into this issue. Can you attach a save game file to this post so I can get it to my programmers? Thank you for your help.

Hi, thanks for the reply. She has a ton of chants stuck in her list and keeps on reverting to the speed chant. She started chanting again, but I have to manually switch her back to it every time I reload and  switch to stealth. She starts every fight now with her chant in cooldown... She started chanting again finally, but still reverts to a chant I no longer have as a part of her spec constantly and her list is overloaded with old chants. I tried reloading, respeccing, deleting the chants manually...nothing works. Happened first when I tried to fight "Frightened child" from the forgotten Sanctum DLC. I can't attach a save file because it's too big, so I sent an email to support.

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Hi, Carnifexus. I'm sorry you've run into this issue. Can you attach a save game file to this post so I can get it to my programmers? Thank you for your help.

Hi, thanks for the reply. She has a ton of chants stuck in her list and keeps on reverting to the speed chant. She started chanting again, but I have to manually switch her back to it every time I reload and  switch to stealth. She starts every fight now with her chant in cooldown... She started chanting again finally, but still reverts to a chant I no longer have as a part of her spec constantly and her list is overloaded with old chants. I tried reloading, respeccing, deleting the chants manually...nothing works. Happened first when I tried to fight "Frightened child" from the forgotten Sanctum DLC. I can't attach a save file because it's too big, so I sent an email to support.



Probably most effective way to get it to them is to get Dropbox, upload it to dropbox (or put it in a local dropbox folder), and right-click on it to get a dropbox link and post it here. Emailing support might just put it into a blackhole and not the people who need to see it right here.

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Hi, Carnifexus. I'm sorry you've run into this issue. Can you attach a save game file to this post so I can get it to my programmers? Thank you for your help.

Hi, thanks for the reply. She has a ton of chants stuck in her list and keeps on reverting to the speed chant. She started chanting again, but I have to manually switch her back to it every time I reload and  switch to stealth. She starts every fight now with her chant in cooldown... She started chanting again finally, but still reverts to a chant I no longer have as a part of her spec constantly and her list is overloaded with old chants. I tried reloading, respeccing, deleting the chants manually...nothing works. Happened first when I tried to fight "Frightened child" from the forgotten Sanctum DLC. I can't attach a save file because it's too big, so I sent an email to support.



Probably most effective way to get it to them is to get Dropbox, upload it to dropbox (or put it in a local dropbox folder), and right-click on it to get a dropbox link and post it here. Emailing support might just put it into a blackhole and not the people who need to see it right here.


They already replied, but if they have an issue and want me to use that method, I'd hope they'd let me know. I'm probably just going to have to beat the DLC with a broken main healer.

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Hello Carnifexus!

Thank you for getting back to us with this save file! I've attached it to the bug report and pinged the Programming team so they know the new information is available. They'll be investigating the issue to get a fix in for a future patch. If you happen to discover anything else about these chanting issues, please let me know so I can forward any new information to the team during their investigation.

Thanks again and sorry for the inconvenience this is causing.

Samuel Chin


Copy and pasted. I'm so close to done with the quests that it was an incredibly irritating time to have the bug occur. My guess is that it happened because I ended up deleting a bunch of old saves ( it was taking the save files forever to load whenever I had to reload), but that's just a guess. I can't try the two new megabosses until this gets fixed, so I'm essentially without my winter game until the problem is solved unless I felt like starting a new character...and I don't. 

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I can confirm that the recent update did nothing to fix this. Pellagrina is still stuck constantly reverting to the speed chant and her chant list is full of chants she no longer has. Please fix this as soon as possible, I wanted to be able to enjoy one last true obsidian game.

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This is never going to be fixed, is it?


can't you just delete all the chants you made and remake them from scratch?


Nope, that's the problem. I have an entire list of chants that weren't even in her book, multiple A's B's and C's, and she starts every combat with her chant on cooldown which means my entire team gets wrecked. I didn't level my other healers because she was working so well for every other fight, so my options are to: A. Wait for a fix. B. Uninstall and realize Obsidian is now Microsoft, and as such doesn't give a damn.

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