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  On 5/15/2018 at 2:56 PM, CountGrishnackh said:


(lockpicking is not stealing and will not aggro anyone). 


this is not entirely true, there are some scenarios where even picking the lock will cause them to go hostile. The earliest example is savia at the jail, if she sees you picking the lock, she will turn hostile immediately. But yes for most NPCs, lockingpicking for the exp won't turn them hostile. Just make sure to quicksave anyway in case you do it in front of ones that will turn hostile.


I like the party assist system. Makes sense that you can profit from stuff your companions know/can do.

I have spread my Watcher's passive points way more than the actives, but his two strongest skills are athletics (for second wind) and diplomacy. apart from that, I mostly have all companions specialize in one or two skills, for the higher skill checks in scripted interactions that are not Watcher-exclusive.

  • 2 years later...
  On 5/15/2018 at 2:56 PM, CountGrishnackh said:

Only a Few Atheletics Checks as far as i've seen.

Since im putting at least 3 Athletics on everyone not really a problem.



For Primary Skills 3 Acrobatics should be a given on everyone, i found 3 Stealth to pretty nice for positioning. Got up to 10 Stealth on my mainchar before i stopped because it really doesnt matter if she only stays invisible for 10 seconds once 10 enemys look straight at her. Mechanics max on another charakter (lockpicking is not stealing and will not aggro anyone). Everything else is pretty optional. Alchemy seems to be rather powerful if you like to micro or go solo.

Secondary skills: Social Skills on main char. In Ordner of most Frequent to least: Diplomacy and Insight, Bluff, Intimidate. Can raise 2 different skills on every follower.

Skill Assist: Efficient for 2 or 4 Points on assisting characters.

Some Items Scale with Skillevel. So far i've seen: Religion (Xotis Lantern), Acrobatics (Some Heavy Armor), Metaphysics (Don't Remember the Item).


Possible Distribution:


Main Skills:

Char 1: 3 Athletics, 10 Stealth

Char 2: 3 Stealth, 3 Athletics, max Mechanics

Char 3-5: 3 Stealth, 3 Athletics

Fill Remaining Points as you see fit (all Acrobatics for the Lazy ones)


Secondary Skills

Mainchar: 50:50 Diplomacy, Insight, 1-4 Bluff or Intimidate

Sidechar 1: Streetwise+Survival

Sidechar 2: Religion+Metaphysics

Sidechar 3: History+Bluff or Intimidate

Sidechar 4: 2 Points in every Skill (upgrade to 4 later in the game, social skills first)


That's the information I needed - thanks. Jesus, I've forgotten all...

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