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Return to Caed Nua Mythbusters

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Recent survey Return to Caed Nua included some curious quest resolutions. In my coming-to-an-end pre-Deadifre playthrough I attempted to test some of those curious paths. My findings aren't mindblowing but as some people expressed interest in my experiments here they are:

1) Question: To which god did you pledge your allegiance during your quest to end Waedwen's Legacy?


This one is curious because as questionare's answers suggest it is impossible to progress to Sun in Shadow without pledging allegiance to at least on of the gods. Couple people confirmed it before but here it is: You don't have to ally with any of the gods to descend to Sun in Shadow. Souls are given to you after doing initial god's quest (before being allowed to speak to them) and you don't have to do anything further. 



2) Question: What happened to Vela, the baby orlan?


The possiblt surprising answer was: "I gave the baby to a family that would take care of it, and killed Simoc." I feel like I talked to every NPC in the game, and none ackowledged presence of Vela. I also tried killing Simoc first, and then stealing Vela, however conversation with Simoc son was the same, even though his Papa was dead at that time. If it exists its either very very obscure or very situational.

3) Question: What became of the Sky Dragon terrorizing Hylea's temple?


Answer: "I mortally wounded the dragon, but at the last minute, I allowed it to flee wth its offspring"

Didn't make it happened and tried many many things. You either allow her to stay, or you fight to death.

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Well written.


Thanks for the info!

Just what do you think you're doing?! You dare to come between me and my prey? Is it a habit of yours to scurry about, getting in the way and causing bother?


What are you still bothering me for? I'm a Knight. I'm not interested in your childish games. I need my rest.


Begone! Lest I draw my nail...

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