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I want quest mode back

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i recently finished the game, i own all versions of the boards game. i have to say the lost of quest mode, recently drop my ranking and enjoyment of the game.  in hindsight it was easily the best and most fun part of the game. they need to bring it back, and also add the rest of the archtypes from the expansion sets.

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I have every character finish the game and I'm 6 scenarios away from finishing the entire story on heroic. There's not much left for me to do afterwards. I mean, I can just farm 6-4 over and over again to get the card rewards from completing each adventure on Heroic, but why would I need them right now? To play the story once again on Heroic? To farm gold over and over to buy more chests? I'm at the point where I'm trying to improvise my own fun to extend this game's life, and that in itself is questionable. 


I'm hoping Rise of the Goblins, or whatever future content they might push out, has some sort of repeatable endgame. Right now, this lack of emergent gameplay is completely contradictory to what card games are all about.

Edited by EightyOnes
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I agree that I Also miss the quest mode. It did cause havok to the story mode, so Hopefully They release the quest mode as a separate game completely. Then it does not Mess the story mode like it did before. But there Are so Many bugs left in the quest mode that it is very unlikely to happen in any short or meadium range future...

They did say that if pathfinder sell millions They may make more content. Well we just have to hope that it sells millions, but not Many card game does sell so much. But we can always hope...

Edited by Hannibal_PJV
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  • 2 weeks later...

That explains why I didn't see Quest Mode in my list; I thought it would unlock after I finished Story mode but evidently not. I agree, there is a need for an emergent, ongoing End Game and new content. I do support the game and I have gotten a few other people hooked on it, but there also has to be a decision to push it more actively, I found it on the store by accident.

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I have every character finish the game and I'm 6 scenarios away from finishing the entire story on heroic. There's not much left for me to do afterwards. I mean, I can just farm 6-4 over and over again to get the card rewards from completing each adventure on Heroic, but why would I need them right now? To play the story once again on Heroic? To farm gold over and over to buy more chests? I'm at the point where I'm trying to improvise my own fun to extend this game's life, and that in itself is questionable. 


I'm hoping Rise of the Goblins, or whatever future content they might push out, has some sort of repeatable endgame. Right now, this lack of emergent gameplay is completely contradictory to what card games are all about.

How about trying to complete the game with one or all of these parties:

Spellcasters: Ezren, Kyra, Lem, Lini, Seelah, Seoni

Non-Spellcasters: Amiri, Harsk, Merisiel, Sajan, Seelah, Valeros

Females: Amiri, Kyra. Lini, Merisiel, Seelah, Seoni

Males: Ezren, Harsk, Lem, Sajan, Valeros


Beating the game on Normal will be a challenge for some of those parties (Non-Spellcasters will have issue with Local Heroes!), let alone trying it on Heroic or Legendary.

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That is what the Pathfinder is all about. Fixed content that you play ones with different characters each time.


What I would like to see (among new content ofcourse) is to start game with complete newbies directly from hard or legendary level. You can now do it by removing all characters from the old party and adding completely new characters to the same party, but that is way too much hasle compared that I could be done with one setting. Other alternative will be running all scenarios several times with the same party and that is boring...

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