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Not all characters are transported to Sihedron Circle



So, probably it stems from the assumption that all characters will be at the last open Stone Head location (due to the Stone Head's on closing power - to move to another open Stone Head).


However, off-turn I used the Cape of Escape with Sajan to go to a "closed" Stone Head (why?  'cause have to bury 15 cards, man!). When the last Stone Head was closed, all others at it were forced into the Sihedron Circle, but Sajan was left all alone and crying in the snow.


(Yeah, I know you probably hate me for this edge-case :)

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5 answers to this question

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  On 11/19/2016 at 4:16 AM, Acroyear16 said:

Well, I teleported to the Sihedron Circle on the first turn of that scenario just to see if it would let me, and it did!

Dunno how THAT coulda got overlooked!

I don't remember the exact wording of the scenario/location, but maybe that's not a bug. I think you're only forbidden to *encounter* cards in the Circle while there are open Stone Heads. Did you manage to fight the dragon?

You can use the 'Mark Solved' button beneath a post that answers your topic or confirms it's not a bug.

The time that devs don't have to spend on the forum is a time they can spend on fixing the game.

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I also didn't move everyone there because I had other characters at one of the closed locations due to the legendary difficulty movement constraints. Which in turn aren't working correctly, to the point of it not actually being clear what "correctly" would even be.


You could also have everyone at the same location, but that location not be connected to the Sihedron Circle. I'm not sure what's supposed to happen then either (let alone what actually does happen).

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  On 11/19/2016 at 2:08 AM, Longshot11 said:

So, probably it stems from the assumption that all characters will be at the last open Stone Head location (due to the Stone Head's on closing power - to move to another open Stone Head).


However, off-turn I used the Cape of Escape with Sajan to go to a "closed" Stone Head (why?  'cause have to bury 15 cards, man!). When the last Stone Head was closed, all others at it were forced into the Sihedron Circle, but Sajan was left all alone and crying in the snow.


(Yeah, I know you probably hate me for this edge-case :)


I had almost all of my characters elsewhere - Amiri had dragged them off.  And they didn't move either.

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