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Toad broke my game



First of all, both toad and the token of remembrance have never worked for me once.  If I choose bury I'm unable to pick a spell to recharge.  However, usually I can hit the x to undo the bury and continue on my way.

This time, I accidentally hit bury on the toad, and my game is completely broken.  it says "choose up to one card from discard" but when I select a spell I have no option to recharge it.  Not a single button on the screen does anything.  The x won't undo, I can't access options or the store via those buttons.  All I can do is click on cards in my discard, but can't do anything about it. If I restart the app, I can play other stories or quests, but this story (my main one) remains broken no matter what I do.

22 answers to this question

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  On 11/16/2016 at 7:01 PM, Hannibal_PJV said:

Have you tried to drag the card from your discard pile to your deck? There is no button to push in this case, you have to manually move the card to the right place.

Yes I did try that as well, no dice.  The deck doesn't even light up like it normally does when you can recharge a card.  Nothing on the screen reacts except clicking on cards in the discard enlarges them, albeit with no option to recharge.

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I just now noticed something additional that I didn't notice before because I usually play without sound - the x button as well as the settings button and the store button do recognize that they are being pressed, and make the usual noise, they just don't actually do anything besides that.  

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I also just now managed to break quest mode in a very similar way.  I have Kyra at Sandpoint cathedral, the location power is that after defeating an enemy I can draw a blessing from my discard pile.  Naturally I chose to do so, and now quest mode is completely tied up as well in the exact same manner, and is unplayable.  

Clearly this is not an issue just with toad, but a general issue with recharging/drawing cards from discard.

Please fix, as I can no longer play quest mode or my main story mode due to this bug.

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Posted (edited)

If a VRT doesn't work and going to Main Menu/Closing/Killing App doesn't work it may be that you can use the Shirosama Solution. Be aware that for Quest mode this will mean losing progress in the current Quest Scenario - but it might unlock your game for you.

Edited by mccrispy
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  On 11/17/2016 at 8:14 AM, mccrispy said:

If a VRT doesn't work and going to Main Menu/Closing/Killing App doesn't work it may be that you can use the Shirosama Solution. Be aware that for Quest mode this will mean losing progress in the current Quest Scenario - but it might unlock your game for you.

Thank you for the suggestion.  However, this did not fix my game, it actually made it worse - the x button no longer even shows up on screen, though otherwise I'm still trapped in exactly the same way.  As for a VRT or exiting to main menu - I simply can't.  When I get trapped in this way, the options menu can't be opened, even though pressing the button to open the menu registers as being pressed (lights up and makes the noise) nothing happens.  When my game is bugged out like this the only thing I can do is close the app.


As for quest mode, I'm not sure how the shirosama solution applies to quest mode, because I can't start a new quest.  Pressing quest mode from the main menu just jumps right into the quest I'm in, which is bugged and frozen the same way, and all I can do is exit.

Thanks again for the suggestion, but it doesn't seem to have done anything,

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I wish there was a magic bullet: all I have is a toolcase with a range of different hammers. Unfortunately, you can only find the right hammer by trying them all until one works. Occasionally you get a bent nail or a sore thumb. Sorry about that :(

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@Zyxion can I get your full playfab ID so we can extra your broken save?

From the main menu go to Options then tap Settings. You Play Fab ID follows "PFID" a long string of numbers and letters. Thanks!

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@mccrispy no worries, thanks for helping out even though it didn't work. 


My full id is: 85D6F57829458C85


The broken save is the latest one with Lini, Ezren, and Valeros, in addition to quest mode.


Thank you.

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Question: does me giving them my ID mean my save will be fixed soon?  Or just that they're going to use my save to help debug the issue or something?

Basically I'm asking if I should wait for it to be fixed or just reinstall the app and start fresh.

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I don't know for sure, but my suspicion has always been that it's purely a data collection exercise for OBS. Any time I get proper stuck (very rare because there are a range of ways of low-impact workarounds), I post my saved game and apply whatever workaround is necessary to get me back playing again. You've already missed out on nearly two weeks of gaming, how long are you prepared to wait for them to fix it?

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Those saves Are expsecially important if and when devs can not duplicate the bug. This way They get "infected" game save They can study and hopefully find a cure. If the bug is easily reproduced, then these save files Are not so important because it is easy to reproduce infected saves and Also it is easy to see the exact way of producing them.

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  On 11/28/2016 at 3:20 AM, Zyxion said:

Question: does me giving them my ID mean my save will be fixed soon?  Or just that they're going to use my save to help debug the issue or something?

Sadly, the above posters are probably right.  I haven't seen any examples of save files being fixed and returned. You're either stuck until a patch comes around to fix it, or you can delete the party save and reform a new one using the "experienced" characters.   :(



If you opt for the second plan, you will be able to start back up at the last attempted scenario, but you will lose difficulty completions and all the other game stats the save file seems to keep for one reason or another.

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We can't fix saves on a save by save basis sadly.

The saves help us look at what broke, which is especially useful when it is an issue we cannot recreate internally.

What we try and shoot for is when we fix the issue and it goes out in a patch it also retroactively applies to your save and you can keep going. It is not always possible but we try.

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okay, that's how I figured it would work, I just wanted to make sure. Though I do want to be clear on one thing - would my deleting my save by detrimental to the developers trying to debug?  Or did they get a copy of it or something?  I don't want to delete my save if that'll screw up the devs.  If not, I'd rather restart my save because I enjoy playing the game and want to get back to business.

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If you're on Android you can grab the game.sav file, zip it up and post it here. Then you can delete your save and move on. If you're on iOS then grabbing the save file is not likely to be practical.

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i have the same problem, but running it on an android emulator on pc. is there a way to salvage anything at all, or do i need to start from scratch? if i delete the save, what happens to the characters?

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In Quest mode it will be as though you never started that Scenario - so minimal impact.


In Story mode it's a bit more serious as you'll also delete the party when you delete the game.sav. You won't lose the Characters, but you will lose the party progress, which is really only significant for Heroic/Legendary progression.

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