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Fps Locked to 22 ...





i've decided to get back on Pillars, on Steam? Bought Pillars of Eternity - Hero Edition on MArch 2015

What a disappointment...


Rigs :

Windows 10

Intel Core I7 4930k (6 cores)

16Go RAM

GTX 1070


Even this monster which run ANY game on Ultra settings, i get *Drum Rolls*


22 Locked FPS (yes locked, any resolution, any game options, any compatibility mode, any power management)


My CG is used at 10%


Is it  a joke ?


Exe details : 12/07/2016 version :


thanks to help me understand :)

3 answers to this question

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Posted (edited)

That's definitely not right. I get overall 60 fps with vsync.


My rig is a year old now:

Windows 10 64 bits

Intel Core I7 5930K

32GB ram

GTX 980


I think there's low FPS fixes on the forum. It has nothing to do with your system I'm sure.

Edited by AeonsLegend
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Posted (edited)

There is a FPS slider in the game video options, but PoE minimum frame rate cap is 30, not 22fps.

You can look at the register to check the game settings:


HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Obsidian Entertainment\Pillars of Eternity


1e = 30 fps

ffffffff = uncapped


A cap of 22 is so low that suggests something else is interfering: a battery boost, a performance monitor with "optimizing" options, a energy saving profile.


How someone else with a similar issue fixed it:


Edited by Suen

I've come to burn your kingdom down

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Ok, i'm not sure what happens.


When i said locked, i swear that whatever i was doing the fps (msi afterburner, Nvidia Share) was displaying 22 fps no more no less :o


i tried another game, running fine... (farcry 4, bf4) @60+


Today i have an average 70 fps on Pillars...


I'm very curious on what happened.


I Don't lock the thread because i want to know why i can run Pillars @70 or @22, to eventually find some clue that may help others.

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