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Hi folks, as said in the other thread, I'm here to discuss about this kind of paladin.

Nature godlike will put the nature's flavor in the build. As for the rest... buffing and fighting with quarterstaff or spear...

Throw in your thoughts!

 - There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary code, and those who don't. - 




Maybe pick Aspirant's Mark if you have The White March part 1 installed, as it is a version of Nature's Mark. Nice debuff.

Good thought. I will pick expansion soon.

 - There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary code, and those who don't. - 



Posted (edited)

If you want to look like a shaman, use Maegfolc Skull with Menhea's armor and Durance's staff (you'll need PX2 for the first 2 items.) EDIT: ofc no Maegfolc Skull on a Godlike, heh.


In terms of buffing, pick one of the three auras for sure + aegis of loyalty to quickly regain control of charmed party members. For debuffing, deprive the unworthy is a must.

Edited by AndreaColombo

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Do you think it could work? I made it Shieldbearer.. would you do the same?

 - There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary code, and those who don't. - 




Cladhaliath with marking and coordinating + Coordinated Attacks + Outworn Buckler is nice for a Shieldbearer. And both weapons are green - looks good on a nature godlike.

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

Posted (edited)

That's a fine piece of spear! ;) It's a nice sinergy that you have said! ;) Do you think this particular paladin could be enjoyable? Worth a try? There's not many people going shieldbearers afaik...



Edit.. another thought... do paladins tend to lose power if ranged? What happens, instead if they're two handed?

Edited by Slack83er

 - There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary code, and those who don't. - 




Shieldbearers are great if you need deflection for your party - and which party doesn't need that? If you manage to kill things with him and also take Inspiring Triumph you can boost deflection of you party by +19 when you kill an enemy with FoD - and Lay on Hands + Reinforcing Exhortation will give a single friend +35 deflection ON TOP. So, one guy could have +54 deflection and the rest of the gang +19. I like shieldbearers.


Most abilites of the paladin work in melee as well as ranged. I even think all of them. There's no melee-only ability for paladins. Two handers also work. The only thing is that you can't use that awesome buckler then which you can buy very early in Gilded Vale.

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

Posted (edited)

My bad, I didn't mean two handed, I meant two weapons... :) (I still prefer a spear or a quarterstaff, anyway)


To give 35Def to a friends, means HE is the main tank. Eder could do it?

I'm ok with the off-tank position, my main purpose is versatility, y'know, and he must be talkative. That's why I like Elcga... Honest and Diplomatic... fits my style..


Who can be the trapspringer then? Kana?



Edit... moreover I need a fitting BG... tried Drifter...no like. 

Also need recommendations on Stats...

Edited by Slack83er

 - There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary code, and those who don't. - 




This totally fits. Maybe he also seeks revenge for what happened to his beloved nature...

 - There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary code, and those who don't. - 




Shieldbearers are great if you need deflection for your party - and which party doesn't need that? If you manage to kill things with him and also take Inspiring Triumph you can boost deflection of you party by +19 when you kill an enemy with FoD - and Lay on Hands + Reinforcing Exhortation will give a single friend +35 deflection ON TOP. So, one guy could have +54 deflection and the rest of the gang +19. I like shieldbearers.



One minor quibble this.  Reinforcing Exhortation does not stack with Shielding Flames.  It stacks with Shielding Touch & inspiring triumph (and outworn buckler) but not shielding flames.  Tested extensively a couple of weeks ago when planning a new Paladin.  I ultimately went with a Kind Wayfarer as the duration on the Shieldbearer talents was kind of meh.


I chose the Shieldbearers out of lore, not sheer power. But I too noticed that they're kinda weaker compared to the others...

 - There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary code, and those who don't. - 




Heh? Did this yesterday and had all of them stacked, including Stalwart Defiance. Or maybe I was using Circle of Defense instead of Reinforcing Ex? However, Shielding Flames *should* stack with everything because it's considered a passive. Reinforcing Exh. def. doesn't stack with other non-passive deflection-only buffs, that's true. Will check later if it works as I said. Maybe I used something else than Reinf. Ex. at that point.

But even if doesn't all stack - you seldomly need to stack all of those all the time. The timing would be a chore. It's also good to have enough arrows in the quiver to keep deflection of team members high throughout the whole fight.


I consider a deflection bonus to be better than healing. So for me the shielbearers are not worse than the wayfarers.

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods


I consider a deflection bonus to be better than healing. So for me the shielbearers are not worse than the wayfarers.


Deflection IS good, but somehow the Elcga's abilities sound weaker than others.... 

 - There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary code, and those who don't. - 



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