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Hey guys, today I'm off duty, and I'm elaborating about different builds.

Here I'm again, thinking of a lowlife buccaneer with headband and pistol in his hand. A rogue, who exploits the enemy's weaknesses, witty and elusive.

Maybe Human, maybe Aumaua... it could fit right?


As you know, I don't min-max, I enjoy roleplaying and being a jack-of-all-trades, be it with combat or with the tongue.

I've seen Boeroer's hornet, but... that's not quite the concept I have in mind..


What do you think, could it be viable?

 - There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary code, and those who don't. - 



Posted (edited)

Party. Still undecided about who to bring along, but definitely party.


Edit. Why 1 handed? The pistol is 2...

Edited by Slack83er

 - There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary code, and those who don't. - 



Posted (edited)

One handed style for your melee weapon of course. :) The other hand is needed to swing down from the rigging and stuff. Never saw Erol Flynn? ;) 


I think for a buccaneer one handed sabre or even rapier is even more fitting. But Rapier has a different weapon group, so sabre would be best. Resolution with one handed style (tons of crits), the rugged wilderness hat (looks like a pirate's headscarf) and Dulcanale + Fellstroke as pistols for your Island Aumua from the Deadfire Archipelago - done. :) What armor would fit? I think Night Runner might fit because of the stripes. And of course Jack of Wide Waters (the description says it's from a swashbuckler) but it also gives +2 survival like the wilderness hat - which is bad because it doesn't stack. Maybe crossed patch for the headslot then? Or Elryn's Jacket - even if you shouldn't get hit too often as a rogue.  

Edited by Boeroer
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Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods


One handed style for your melee weapon of course. :) The other hand is needed to swing down from the rigging and stuff. Never saw Erol Flynn? ;)


Lol... How could I forget? ;) Is 1 handed supposed to leave the 2 hand empty? 

And over all... do you think this char could hold his own and be funny? Or it just fits the theme but for the rest it's crap?

I can't tank with a rogue so...

 - There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary code, and those who don't. - 



Posted (edited)

No, he will be fine. Two opening shots from pistols are nice - and then position yourself for flanking enemies or taking out the ones other party members diabled.


You'd leave the left hand empty, yes. This results in +12 ACC for your right hand without any talent. The talent "One Handed Style" adds a hit to crit conversion (wiki is outdated as always). This will lead to a very high crit rate (rogues already have high ACC and can gain hit to crit conversion, you add +12 ACC and more conversion). The sabre Resolution which you can get rel. ealry in the Endless Paths has the enchantment "Annihilating", meaning he has double crit damage bonus (+100% instead of +50%). Lots of ouch. So - this character will be absolutely viable while also being asthetically pleasing... in a buccaneerish way. ;)

Edited by Boeroer
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Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods


Last questions Boeroer: Better Human or aumaua? And then again... stat-wise?

Oh and one thing... you can't dual wield pistols, can you? It'd be awesome...

 - There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary code, and those who don't. - 



Posted (edited)

Aumaua is better because you can wear two pistols and a melee weapon without investing a talent point. Or even three pistols and one melee weapon with one talent point. Humans have no advantage in this case because their racial ability only triggers when you drop unter 50% endurace. That's something you should avoid as a rogue.

Aumaua also fit the buccaneer theme quite well.


Stats may be like the ranger for example. 


And sorry, no dual wieding for pistols. :)

Edited by Boeroer

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i wanted the dual pistols!!!! How come you never made a petition?!? :) hahahha


Back to serious things... Same as ranger? Maybe MIG is a bit more important to a damage dealer? I don't have any pet that can do it for me in this case... what am I missing?

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You are missing the fact that rogues get +50% damage from Sneak Attack and +100% from Deathblows already. Add the +100% from the crits you will score very often. That's +250% dmg on a crit without anything else like weapon quality enchantments and whatnot.

MIG does add 3% healing and damage per point. You will not heal anything, so in this case MIG is only boosting damage. So even if you give him 18 MIG instead of 10 (which is a huge difference) you "only" add +24%. So, should you invest 8 stat points for +24% damage when your damage bonuses are already sky high? Perhaps not. You would be better off with more PER (even more crits) and more DEX in this case. 

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Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods


You couldn't have been more clear ;) I know also that rogues tend to be squishy... how to cope with that?

 - There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary code, and those who don't. - 




Kill faster.


While picking off enemies with pistols your team will engage in melee. Then charge the flanks and carve away. You will draw less aggro. Don't worry, much, about defense. Wear Shod in Faith boots if needed. Or take Escape to give a 'Ouch that hurt, time to bail!' option. Or have your Priest spy your Rogue.

fair enough... I tried it this morning, but it was kinda hard to survive if I ever get in melee...

 - There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary code, and those who don't. - 




It's best to finish off enemies that your teammmates disabled. Like Edér knocks down an enemy, then turns to another while you finish off that knocked down guy. Shouldn't get up again...

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods


It's best to finish off enemies that your teammmates disabled. Like Edér knocks down an enemy, then turns to another while you finish off that knocked down guy. Shouldn't get up again...

It requires a lot of positioning... I'm not very familiar with this playstile...that's why I asked for a Ranged buccaneer...hehe

 - There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary code, and those who don't. - 



Posted (edited)

Then throw away the sabre and One Handed Style and get arms bearer, four pistols, marksman, gunner and quick switch. High DEX and the gunner talent will keep your reload time short once you fired all four pistols.


It's good to have four pistols (or a mix of pistols and blunderbusses) and Quick Switch because you can fire more shots in a quick sussession while enemies suffer afflictions for Sneak Attack. Else the timing of affliction + shot is quite difficult. You don't want to "waste" a pistol shot on a target that doesn't get bonus damage from Sneak Attack.

Edited by Boeroer
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Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods


Then throw away the sabre and One Handed Style and get arms bearer, four pistols, marksman, gunner and quick switch. High DEX and the gunner talent will keep your reload time short once you fired all four pistols.


It's good to have four pistols (or a mix of pistols and blunderbusses) and Quick Switch because you can fire more shots in a quick sussession while enemies suffer afflictions for Sneak Attack. Else the timing of affliction + shot is quite difficult. You don't want to "waste" a pistol shot on a target that doesn't get bonus damage from Sneak Attack.

THE MAD GUNNER!!! ;) hahaha I'l try it!!!

 - There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary code, and those who don't. - 




Remember to use a bunderbluss when using one of your special attacks as all bullets after the first will reapply the affliction and benefit from it, and leave a pistol as your last weapon because of the faster reload.


And if you have other ranged chars in your party, consider putting a chanter with the Ila chant besides them.

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I'm at work now, so I will only test all this between this evening and tomorrow... but I'll try.

 - There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary code, and those who don't. - 




Question Boer: Am I required to shift weapons continuously in combat? I really don't like doing that, it's not realistic..

 - There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary code, and those who don't. - 




I mean that this thing of swapping weapons at the start of the battle has the sole purpose of exploiting the fact that it's quicker to swap than to reload...

Otherwise noone would do it... It's unrealistic because in real life no one would carry around 3 of the same weapon just because one doesn't want to reload!

 - There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary code, and those who don't. - 




In a manner of speaking you'd be right, even if I think that three pistols (aumaua) would weigh a ton! ;) Not to mention 3 blunderbusses! I'm trying to play it now, and firearms do a wicked damage. They're terribly slow, though... trying to think of what to do while I only have 1 pistol... go melee?

 - There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary code, and those who don't. - 




I think the reload time is worth it.... But sure, if you want to go melee. The whole enchantment story still applies. Also, don't worry about weight... Aumaua and dwarfs aren't particularly weak ;)

While I reload, as a rogue I'm taking a ton o' damage... yes, I send the others in the front line and that helps a bit... but it's an annoying situation...

 - There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary code, and those who don't. - 




Veterans recovery could help...

Blasted white march which I still don't own... For now I'll do without. 

This character is quite good, and especially the 1st shot from the pistol (and I have the disappointer...haha) one shots quite every foe. 

What I'd really like is... getting him to be a smart mouth. Dunno...lore...(mechanics are obvious).. for stealth I don't know, 'cos I took Backstab, but I have to be close to target with a firearm (2m) and this requires me to get very close to targets without being noticed... 

Advices required ;)

 - There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary code, and those who don't. - 



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