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NBA Playoffs!


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I bet Kobe comes out somethin' fierce next game.

"Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."


- Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials


"I have also been slowly coming to the realisation that knowledge and happiness are not necessarily coincident, and quite often mutually exclusive" - meta

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K, we're ragging on malone as he is pathetic. A pathetic old man who should be retired not dragging down his teammates for selfish reasons.


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I bet Kobe comes out somethin' fierce next game.

I could not hope for a better situation for the Pistons.


Just as long as they keep it out of Shaqs hands. When that happens, shaq gets frustrated and fouls. If shaq is sitting because of fouls early, then I promise you one thing, kobe can't single-handedly beat these Pistons. Luckily for the Pistons, Kobe is just stupid and arrogant enough to try to beat them without Shaq.


Kobe after the game

``We're not worried about getting him more touches,''


It's funny how the mentality of players that went to college is very different than high school stars. Even in regards to KG.



K, we're ragging on malone as he is pathetic.


Ha read this


malone pokes fan in face

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Eh, come on Volourn give Karl a break. I'm sure it's every NBA stars dream to retire with a championship ring. Jackson wouldn't be playing him if he really thought he was useless to the team anyway.

Well, as of game 3, they didn't know how he would play. They need him, as he is thier best defender for R.Wallace. Hence trying to play him, but now he should clearly not play in game 4 if he is still in pain.

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As much as Malone sucks on the court; the fan deserved what he got. No mercy for the fool. I wish more players would do that when fans 'heckle' them.


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Get this:


Lakers coach Phil Jackson criticized the series' refereeing on Friday, saying the free throw discrepancy is due to a double standard.


``I'm going to have to make a stand with the officials, and we have to be able to play defense the way (the Pistons) play defense,'' Jackson said. ``In the bodies, up against arms, contesting shots and not getting caught for the foul. If we attempt to play this type of defense, it's ridiculous the foul calls that are (made), the disparity in this.''




Wait, Phil Jackson, who has Shaq and Kobe, is complaining about a double standard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:


O man, phil knows their in trouble

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What is the point of poking some guy in the face, he should have punched him. And about the people parading outside the hotel, what did the Lakers expect them to do, congragulate them on a good game, they deserve it, they have been way to c***y in the past.

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Watching Kobe in game 3 on the bench and in the post-game, he didn't seem worried or too much. The Lakers have tried to focus their offense through Shaq (which I think was the best call) and they lost. I think that has to placate Kobe's ego in this ongoing feud.


Malone and Payton are hall-of-fame players, but they're past their prime and they're not really contributing. It's time to rotate younger bodies in.

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