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Old guys like me don't need a lot of sleep anyway. ;)



When I was growing up the kid closest to the TV was the remote, phones had rotary dials and were often attached to a wall, and an RPG was playing Cowboys and Indians outside with the neighbors!  :disguise:  :grin:

Nomadic Wayfarer of the Obsidian Order


Not all those that wander are lost...

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No difference to my childhood then. :)

We recorded music from the radio stations on tape.

We had 3 TV channels - to get the third one, my dad had to climb up the roof an turn the antenna until we yelled from down below - later on he installed a motor and put a cable from the roof down to the living room.

My dad was an ordinary mason and steel fixer but could afford to build a house and buy a brand new car (usually a BMW 3 series) every second year. We had no children's seats - just a thick pillow for me and a gym bag for the baby. We had no seat belts in the rear either.

The first computer I programmed ran Unix and didn't even have floppy disks, but a tape drive. It's screen had two colors: black and green.

Our first PC was worth a furtune. It had MS-DOS, fancy floppy disks which broke once you looked at them sharply and the monitor (which was like 1 meter long but only had 14") had CGA graphics - meaning 4 colours: black, white, cyan and magenta. The only games on it were a Submarine Simulator and something with a cat that had to jump from window to window.

Sweet memories - but some things really sucked now that I think of it. ;)

Edited by Boeroer
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