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I am trying to get into this game, and I wanted to provide feedback as to my experiences and how the game could be made better.  Everything goes through iterative improvement, and hopefully I can affect the future of the game.


I have briefly read the rules for the actual card game, to stay within those rules.  No point in suggesting something that is not in the spirit of the game.  The Base Set Rulebook will be referenced by page, so BSR19 is page 19 of the rulebook, used immediately below.


1.  I made it through the first two story missions, and was ready to take Kyra and Merisiel out into the wide world and level them up.  However, I cannot figure out how to do that, I seem to be forced to start new versions of them.  The card game states (BSR19) that characters can be played in the campaign or a random game.  Let me play the same party characters in story mode as in quest mode.


2.  The card game states that it has enough cards to support four character decks, six if you have the character add-on deck.  (again BSR19)   With a digital platform, card scarcity is no longer an issue.  The nicknames function that exists could use some magnification to a larger font, if nothing else.  To be even more clear and concise about characters, make a universal character vault that has whatever characters I have made, with a "new" button on it for new characters, so that I can have the same experience as I would with the card-game, on a digital platform.


3.  The subdued, plain, gray, cog-wheel icon has nothing about it to explain that it is the means to exit to the main menu.  The standard convention is a red X in the upper left corner of the window.  Maybe something in between those two?  An easier, more intuitive menu scheme?  Back and Next buttons?  Swipe up and down? 


4.  I do not know how this game can deplete my tablet battery, but it most certainly does.  Is there any possibility of a menu option to turn on and off the "effects", to make it a bit easier on battery life?


5.  If I want to change my cards for the basic ones, then rules a better deck-building menu would be awesome.  In fact, I have not figured out how to do that, but I understand that cards can be discarded, but "view deck" does not give me any such option.  I would very much like the tutorial to go through this, to explain it as a core function of the game.  This could be integrated into the character vault as well, to put it all in one place, using the three dot ellipsis icon and view deck option that already exists!


6.  The card game rules state that decks can be built using cards that are in expansions two numbers less than the current one in play, expanding from the basic cards at higher levels.  Is this implemented in the game?  if not, then please put in the business logic for it, so that we can experiment with builds at later stages of the game.


Thanks to everyone for the game, and please read these suggestions in the spirit that they were written - to make the game better.






1. The characters use very different development system in quest and story mode. So They Are not compatible. Real rules Also says that you can not gain save reward twice so it would mean that you could not get any upgrades to your character either in story mode or quest mode if you could move between them and that would not be fun at all, so no moving between two Gaming modes!


2. This is debatable yes. The Main reason is that this allows more options to sell more stufff to players and maybe make some money to make new adventures in the future. So the desision is mainly finansial.


3. This game need better tutorial and some ui redesign. So there is possibilities in this part.


4. There is already option to turn of some effects. Maybe it could have one option more to turn of everything.


5. In real rules you can only change your cards when you make a new character. It works in the same way in the digital game. Just do it before playing any scenarios! Just like in the real game.


That big P Letterman in the low right corner, but better tutorial to this would be absolutely needed for new players!


6. This should be working just like in the real game, but there seems to be a bug in there. Also remember that you can not rebuild you deck in the higher levels. Only if you make a new character. Aka your character die and you make a new one. Or you have too few cards to build your deck. Also in the real rules.

  On 6/22/2016 at 6:23 AM, Hannibal_PJV said:

5. In real rules you can only change your cards when you make a new character. It works in the same way in the digital game. Just do it before playing any scenarios! Just like in the real game.


That big P Letterman in the low right corner, but better tutorial to this would be absolutely needed for new players!

Isn't that a very stylized 'D' rather than a 'P' (which would make sense because Peck)?

  On 6/22/2016 at 2:18 AM, tabascosauce said:

 To be even more clear and concise about characters, make a universal character vault that has whatever characters I have made, with a "new" button on it for new characters, so that I can have the same experience as I would with the card-game, on a digital platform.

This is a good point. A lot of new players freak out when the go to Character Selections screen (where the 'NEW' tab is selected by default) and don't see the heroes they have leveled up so far.

You can use the 'Mark Solved' button beneath a post that answers your topic or confirms it's not a bug.

The time that devs don't have to spend on the forum is a time they can spend on fixing the game.

  On 6/22/2016 at 6:46 AM, hakko504 said:


  On 6/22/2016 at 6:23 AM, Hannibal_PJV said:

5. In real rules you can only change your cards when you make a new character. It works in the same way in the digital game. Just do it before playing any scenarios! Just like in the real game.https://www.dropbox.com/s/hzscb35nwtl30mb/Photo%207.5.2016%2023.28.41.png?dl=0

That big P Letterman in the low right corner, but better tutorial to this would be absolutely needed for new players!


Isn't that a very stylized 'D' rather than a 'P' (which would make sense because Peck)?

Yep... It can be a D... Hard to say, but Sounds plausible!

  On 6/22/2016 at 7:55 AM, Longshot11 said:


  On 6/22/2016 at 2:18 AM, tabascosauce said:

To be even more clear and concise about characters, make a universal character vault that has whatever characters I have made, with a "new" button on it for new characters, so that I can have the same experience as I would with the card-game, on a digital platform.


This is a good point. A lot of new players freak out when the go to Character Selections screen (where the 'NEW' tab is selected by default) and don't see the heroes they have leveled up so far.

True. It could be easier to understand for new players.

  On 6/22/2016 at 2:18 AM, tabascosauce said:

2.  The card game states that it has enough cards to support four character decks, six if you have the character add-on deck.  (again BSR19)   With a digital platform, card scarcity is no longer an issue.


This made me laugh.


Free digital content for everyone!


It is the same reason any form of software charges for anything, they are a business and need to make money. If you write the code once, you do the same amount of work if you sell one or one billion copies.


Even in the physical game card scarcity is nearly an illusion. Cards don't cost a lot to print, especially in bulk.

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