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Posted (edited)

So I'm not sure if this will help any, but it's all I can think of. I had finished playing last night and closed the game like normal. I was at about 3790 gold. Close enough where a successful legendary game would get me enough to buy skinsaw. I logged in this morning to try and get to 4000 and saw that my gold count was set to 0. I know I didn't mistakenly buy anything because I should have had a small bit of gold left over at least. I'd appreciate any help with this.

Edited by Klozkoth

8 answers to this question

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  • 0

Same here - all my gold is gone and all prices in the store are showing "-1".  I'm hoping I don't miss out on my daily gold.


iPad 2  running 9.3.1

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I addressed this in another thread as well... I lost my daily gold this morning and also had my gold reset to zero for some reason. Would really love a fix as I paid for it and am now missing out on the gold, plus it makes the work of going back to build that gold again seem awfully tiedeous...

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I'm definitely connected, it shows that I'm logged in through Game Center and have wifi. That was the first thing I checked before I made the post.

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Yes, game shows in the menu as connected to Gamecenter like it should. Tried restarting the game several times and booting ipad: no difference.

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Well, crud.  One guy actually got his working again by restarting, but I guess that's not helpin' y'all.


One of the Devs mentioned a usage spike the other night.  Have you had any luck since?

"I need a lie-down" is the new "I'll be in my bunk..."

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