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Lem had Chime of unlocking.
Lini encountered Large Chest
Same location, Warrens


Shouldn't Lem be able to use the Chime to eliminate the Large Chest?



3 answers to this question

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Sadly no.......


This falls under the general rule/tips of Cards do what they say but not what they don't say and Only you can take your turn for you


Cause the card says reveal to defeat a barrier with lock trait that would be Lem defeating it not Lini. :(


It would need to say reveal to allow a character to defeat or reveal to allow a character at your location to defeat


Yes it would of been so much easier if they just clarfied on the card that it has to be something you encounter but they didnt.....


Other cards that fall under the same principal


Holy water, first power-evading

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Yes it would of been so much easier if they just clarfied on the card that it has to be something you encounter but they didnt.....



Actually, Obsidian updated the text of Masterwork Tools and Holy Water's second power to prevent exactly this particular misunderstanding, so obviously they're Okay with the concept of rewording for clarity. Maybe the chime of unlocking just slipped through the cracks?


With Holy Water's first power and similar cards - I guess you just have to draw the line somewhere. I think a player that's investing in this game can be expected to know that only the active character can evade his encounter, and so, only they can play cards that say "Do X to evade".

You can use the 'Mark Solved' button beneath a post that answers your topic or confirms it's not a bug.

The time that devs don't have to spend on the forum is a time they can spend on fixing the game.

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