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hi folks


i downloaded and unzipped iemod to a separate directory.


set the base install to the game directory, F:\Games\steam\steamapps\common\Pillars of Eternity\PillarsOfEternity_Data. t


the launcher does work and luanch the game, so i figure it finds it.


copied the iemod folder to the managed directory, like the install says. 


so, the launcher works (both with and without the test run option) but in the game, under options, the iemod selection is not there. the game seems fine, but i cant see the mod.


i also tried putting the modified iepw.dll file into the appropriate directory (renaming the original to .org) but this didnt help either


can someone give me an idea what i am doing wrong?




You can try doing the following:


Have the game at:

F:\Games\steam\steamapps\common\Pillars of Eternity


And IEMod at:





Copy the [iemod] folder to the F:\Games\steam\steamapps\common\Pillars of Eternity\PillarsOfEternity_Data\Managed

And delete [Assembly-CSharp.dll.pw.modified] if it is there. (such that it will be regenerated)




Launch PatchworkLauncher.exe, and set the base folder: F:\Games\steam\steamapps\common\Pillars of Eternity

Select the IEMod in the active mods.

Launch with Mods.


Check the opened log file. It should contain:


[information] Created patcher for assembly: Assembly-CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null


[information] Write completed successfuly.


didnt work


2016-05-13 20:41:02.970 -04:00 [information] Created patcher for assembly: Assembly-CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2016-05-13 20:41:03.188 -04:00 [Error] An error has occurred,
While trying to: Patch the game
Error type: A system error or some sort of bug. (KeyNotFoundException)
Internal message: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)
   at Patchwork.Utility.ReflectHelper.GetEnumValueText[T](T value)
   at PatchworkLauncher.LaunchManager.Command_Display_Patching_Error(PatchingProcessException ex)
   at PatchworkLauncher.LaunchManager.<Command_Patch>d__46.MoveNext()

the setup:


1> the iemod folder is in te managed folder F:\Games\steam\steamapps\common\Pillars of Eternity\PillarsOfEternity_Data\Managed

2> patchwork launcher hasnt been moved, its still in f:games and points to  F:\Games\steam\steamapps\common\Pillars of Eternity

3> the dll update file 5.21 is in F:\Games\steam\steamapps\common\Pillars of Eternity\PillarsOfEternity_Data\Managed AND under a director i created there called mods


any help much appreciated


Hmm, I remember I have tried the 5.21 version. And it was working fine. But that was on 3.01. I was curious in how it works, not in what it does)

At the moment I don't use IEMod.


Looking at the error you've got: the patchwork tries to patch the values of some Dictionary, but some keys are missing. I.e. a missmatch in versions. I guess you need a new IEMod.pw.dll, and will quote Ineth on this:


My guide works for game version 3.01.


For game version 3.02, you can follow the same guide, except that in step 2 you need to use the new experimental IEMod.pw.dll from here (uploaded by Llere in the nexusmod comment section).

Or wait until the new DLL is no longer considered experimental, and is properly uploaded to the nexus mod page.

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