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The Barbarian and the Rogue and the rest...

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The introduction of immunities devastated classes that depend on status effects to play their role



The Barbarian's Barbaric Yell, Barbaric Shout, and Threatening Presence have been rendered useless, the same goes for the Rogue's Withering, Fearsome, Crippling and Blinding Strikes.


This is in addition to their already gimped viability (low deflection, lack of build variety, loss of tactical options) in melee situations. Carnage was the Barbarian's only value to the party, and now even that is severely limited.



The developers shoehorned the immunities into the game without bothering to fine tune the affected classes to compensate.



Classes like the monk which deliver only crushing attacks are completely useless when facing enemies like ice blights. This is not normal, complete impotence should not be a feature in this kind of game


The game advertises that the Fighter is able to lock down a position and wear down enemies. That is not true...even the addition of Defender and Overbearing Guard talents are not enough to make him perform this task properly



I suspect Josh Sawyer is tired of fixing the issues with the game and is looking to move on. This is truly sad because the game has a lot of replayability potential like NWN2. 



Perhaps playing on PoTD has affected my perspective, but that is the only difficulty that clearly reveals the flaws in the class design.



Right now the situation with poorly tuned classes is just painful.

Edited by Anaeme
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Are you sure this thread should be in the Stories forum ?


I agree with you, except I didn't find immunity to rogue's attack are so frequent. Frightened and Terrified is another story.


For crush immunity... monks can use other weapons. You can have 2 sets, with slaying spirit spear, so it's not a big issue for me. There is only 1 major find for which it is a bit annoying.


But I agree with you about Rogue and Barbarian UPness. I made a lot of posts about this. I think that the current situation is not so bad by the way.


Now I'm waiting for new patch or... confirmation that they will stop patching. Then it will be mod time.

Edited by Elric Galad
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I don't remember ever encountering an enemy that's immune to every kind of status effect a rogue could possibly give it, but I'll go ahead and believe you that they're there.  The idea of immunities is clearly to encourage switching up tactics, because people complained that all of the battles are too samey.  Well, here's an enemy your monk can't punch to death, you have to try something different.  etc

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vast majority of fights with immune to something enemies are very easy , or the immune enemies are small adds on dragon fights , only exception i found was reigniting the white forge fight where enemies are immune to fire damage , but then again poor forge guardians are vessels.... introduce them to redeemer and their gone .

Edited by Blunderboss
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I'm nearly done with a 3.02 POTD playthrough using Zahua, Maneha and Devil, and I haven't really seen a seismic change from the respective classes in the pre-White March days in this regard. 


I'm not sure why it's a problem that the monk's unarmed attack deals zero damage to a few enemies like Ice Blights. That's what an immunity is. Anyway, a monk built for dual unarmed is very competent dual-wielding weapons. So he's not standing around uselessly, and there aren't very many crush-immune enemies. It is basically just like a Globe of Invulnerability or an enemy immune to non-magical damage in D&D. The party - and hell, even the monk alone - has to adapt, but it's not impossible.


That said, I agree that the shouts were never particularly exciting. Engagement/space management generally has been much improved, but I've found that sometimes WM battles turn into a huge mess with some enemies literally running around in circles chasing each other. 

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