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Well I cant look at the savegame right now, but it is not about reputation. You need to do the appropriate quests for the house to get their invitation. If you choose Knights then it will lock you out of the other two houses so you can't have done it for both Douzens and the knights. Have you gone to Lle a Rhemen for the Douzens to get the weapons, or killed the Forge Knights for the Crucible knights?


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Also, did you do the first quest for all three factions but not the second?  Once you do the second quest then you are aligned with that faction and that is the faction you need to talk to to get the invite to the hearings after talking to Lady Webb.

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I've successfully completed The Bronze Beneath the Lake for the Dozens, so that's the path that should be triggering at Lady Webb.


I completed Rogue Knight & Built to Last for the knights, but was not offered Winds of Steel.

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If you complete The Bronze Beneath the Lake, isn't Winds of Steel supposed to automatically fail if you have it in your journal? And if you don't have it, won't the Crucible Knights refuse to give it to you if you have completed TBBtL for the Dozens?

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Omnicron - Thanks, I had read through the forums and tried a number of things that people suggested, but I've been unable to resolve it, or get the "burned bridges" option to trigger.


Kriber22 - Yes, I believe that's what happened.  (When I got stuck, I tackled the Endless Paths, so it's been awhile...)


The devs are obviously aware that there's a problem, hopefully my savegame can help...

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I was running into a similar issue.  I had done quests and made choices that put me in Hero status for both The Dozens and The Knights of the Crucible.  I had completed The Bronze Beneath the Lake and Built to Last as I was trying not to pick a side early on.  This made it so neither side would let me speak at the hearing.  


My solution was to attack the guard inside the front door of the Crucible Knights HQ.  Doing this lowered my standing with the Crucible Knights.  Wenan of The Dozens then gave me the option of representing them at the hearing.  I was able to continue the quest from there.

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