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I recently started a new game for the new patch. I cannot tell if Hold Wall is worth the 4k+ price tag or if I should just go with a regular 'Fine Quality' Arbalest instead?


It says +20% speed reduction, is this working in game?


 Besides if you're on higher difficulty accuracy is much more important at that stage of the game and hold wall has none. Would recommend to use the fine arbalest from the same shop instead, it has both +damage and +accuracy, so it's better, and it costs 2/3 of the price.


 Don't get caught by the trap item!!


The speed mod doesn't work on weapons right now.

Is this reported so it gets fixed for 1.05 ? I mean if we get patch that doesnt fix this major bug what is the point of the patch then 


Well this should be brought up to light in Bugs Report forum , same as Boressaine not giving a proper Stun ( someone reported on the forum that borresaine's stun doesnt debuff the defenses like normal stun effect and also it does not count for sneak attack i just can assume that this is the case to other weapons with stunning effect aswell )

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