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You're tripping on hallucinogenic frogs and talking to a tree, are you really surprised that its voice sounds stupid? :p


When I first heard Grieving Mother in this game I was ready to turn off all VO. Not only did she sound like she was uninterestingly browsing through a phone book but their audio guy had messed up her "de-essing" as well so what you ended up with was "mmem heheh mmmh SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! mmmh mbeemmm memme ppeeh SSSSSSSSSSSSS!"


If Obsidian OKs stuff like that, I don't want them to focus on VO ever again. Text is fine.  

- How can I live my life if I can't even tell good from evil?

- Eh, they're both fine choices. Whatever floats your boat. 

Posted (edited)

This game got a better score than Inquisition & Dragon Age 2. That means something. This game deserves to have every single word voice acted. The biggest obstacle in adding voice acting is due to the nature of unity 3d. Does anyone know any possible way to add voice acting in a different way?

No, the game does not deserve to have every single word voice acted, nor is it desirable.


Professional VO can certainly add to the personality of some people in CRPGs, but amateur VO is almost universally bad.


More importantly, fully voice acted games is the bane of large scale CRPGs due to the costs involved. It is exorbitantly expensive when compared to writing. The last thing I'd want to see was for Obsidian to get the idea that playerbase value VO over other content.


No VO, or extremely limited VO to help establish a few key character personalities, as done in Pillars of Eternity, is much to be preferred as it keeps VO costs low and removes constraints from writers, who are able if necessary to perform last-minute changes to text. (Not that the latter is something to make a habit of, but once VO is locked in it becomes the next thing to impossible.)



EDIT: This was the instinctive response after reading your original post. After reading further I've come to better understand that your intention was merely to ask how you yourself could implement more voice acting because you prefer games that way. As a bit of advice, if you want to ask for technical help on a controversial topic, don't start out by claiming that the game deserves to be the way you would prefer it to be by comparing it to other games, which it is deliberately trying NOT to be, following it up by denouncing those that disagree with you as having low standards. It tends to give the wrong impression.

Edited by pi2repsion

When I said death before dishonour, I meant it alphabetically.


You guys enjoy just reading, but I enjoy feeling the emotional perspective of someone else in addition to reading.


You guys prefer ONE action: Reading


I prefer TWO actions: Listening & Reading


1. Hear & feel emotion through another party.

2. Read for myself and interpret the meaning of the words.


Why settle for just X & Y when you can also have the Z for some depth? :p


Community/amateur voice acting is always bad, no exceptions.


That's true, but what if you could hear a sample of what you download first and decide if you like it?


I applaud your effort to make up a team to make this game voice acted..

But many of us included me don't feel the need to character to be voice acted to understand their emotion or to get feeling.. Assuming there is this need is assuming that books are useless... Instead there are book that can make you feel deep emotion when you read them...Is just a matter of dreaming while reading... When i read something like a dialogue i imagine the people conversing and i imagine their voice based on how the character talk in the books...Is just a matter of approach and i realize some can do that some can't...


But statements like "i Dislike to read" always make me feel so sad...But i think is just a matter of approach on the reading


I've taken all the lines from the game and put them into a document. When I get to a certain line, I tell MS Bob/Anna to read it, pure gold!


I liked the idea a person laid out that some future world with some future game, simply give us a button to click and the community can make VO modules to stick into the game. It's a cool idea, probably will never see it, even though it can serve both customer and developer nicely.


I have said this before I will say it again: I will pay an additional $20-30 if they can give me official voice acting DLC for EVERY line of dialog. I know this isn't at all what some people want hence DLC. When they announced BG:EE originally I had only one hope that was shattered: fully voice acting (I know it was a long shot since all the actors are older and had moved on, but still it was a hope).

How much voice acting work do you think would be required to cover all the dialog?


From what I've found online, typical pay rates for voice actors in video games tend to be in the range of $1000 for 45 minutes, or $100/minute for shorter reads.  Plus there's a bit more expense in post-production, and developer time to integrate it.


I don't think raising that money would be easy, compared to raising money to pay writers and developers to add more content.


You guys act as if I'm going to force you to download the community voice pack. All I'm asking is for about 10-20 lines of code that will open up the ability for the community to mod the game and add more voices.


The Eothan temple for example, Wirtan has no voice acting. I dont' think any NPC's in that place have voice acting. It just doesn't feel as immersive as it could be.


Voice acting gives you the emotional drive to complete a quest, it's also an emotional driving factor for Trial of Iron. I know this out of experience. I've been doing no death rulesets for years on my twitch channel.  What gets you through Trial of Iron first and foremost is immersion and emotional drive.


It's fascinating that you guys are satified with just reading, it's mind boggling. I wish, I wish, I wish I could be satisfied with just reading.

And you act like saying things like "I respect your low standards" isn't a completely ironic statement.


As for reading, I'm guessing many of us are older than you, and remember when PC games didn't have to pretend to be movies to be awesome. Plus, with all the dialogue in this game, sitting through hours and hours of amateur voice acting actually sounds like cruel and unusual punishment.

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"Now to find a home for my other staff."
My Project Eternity Interview with Adam Brennecke


Well... it'd be a MOD.

So we'd all have an option to install or not.


I wouldn't.

Except if a lot of folks would tell it's awesomely well done, then I probably would.

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