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Blunderbuss shoots 6-8 projectiles in a single attack, after combine with Cipher talent Draining Whip, every projectile will generate 2 focus, if it gets critical hit then it will generate even more Focus, my Cipher can get 10-40 focus in a single shoot, is it intended or a bug?


Probably a bug, still not a huge deal.  I have gotten 20 focus on a greatsword crit before.  Most normal hits generate 2-5 depending on hit or graze.


Multiple instances of damage = Multiple instances of Soul Whip I'd imagine. I use an Arquebus on my Cipher. Super fast way to get Focus, if you can manage hitting anything anyway.

The Adventures of Abattoir, my Pillars of Eternity Let's Play! Following Abattoir, an Aumaua-sized Death Godlike Cipher who wishes to prove to the world that Death Godlikes can be trustworthy and helpful, while getting caught in some terrible circumstances.


This has been around forever so guess they didn't really have a problem with it. 

Good! I was trying weapons by using console command, if they won't fix it then blunderbuss would be my chosen weapon, my character gets 10-40 focus at level 1, who knows how much will he gets in higher level xD

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