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Two questions:


1) Do these ability stack? (for a net +10 accuracy at distance?) I believe JSawyer said that all talent and racial passive abilities stack, but not sure


2) Is there a reason the accuracy modifiers aren't shown in the combat log? Is it a display bug or an ability bug? In other words, the accuracy shown in combat rolls (presumably taking into account firing at distance and getting +10) is the same accuracy shown in the character and inventory panels (when situational modifiers wouldn't be shown).




I really tried to make it work, marksman talent works for sure... however wood elf passive does not seem to work, unless I'm mistaken.


To add to this: how do I know how far 4 meters are in combat?


Best way I can think of is to find a spell or ability that has the same (or close) range and hover over it to see its range of effect. It's crude but it's possible. :)


Tested with ranger level 1 in tutorial zone - you get +5 accuracy from wood elf passive (it's not shown in character sheet, but you can see it in combat log), however... as with some feats (weapon and shield profiency, for example) they seem to stop working after few times your character has fallen in combat [bUG]??


EDIT: My level 4 wood elf ranger does not get his +5 accuracy bonus from his passive for being wood elf, the newly created one has a bonus... doh.


Yep, it seems busted. Just tested this at 1m and 12m with a War Bow. In both cases, the combat log is showing 43 accuracy rather than 43 accuracy @ 1m and 53 accuracy @ 12m


armorb - it works until you transition out of zones, die or something else, I don't know what's causing it, but after ~1h of playtime they simply not work at all, dunno how on earth it's possible... something to do with bonuses applying at the start of combat, I feel. Happens with more than this abilities btw...


Yeah, I notice the racial passive is not showing in my character's active effects, as it does for a newly-made Wood Elf I just tested...


Does a work around or solution exist? Pissed if I need to trash 10 hrs gametime...


Seems like they are exclusive (marksman and wood elf bonus), however... it varies, it can stack, it can apply one of them, or both of them won't work - the latter seems to happen after some play time. My ranger is missing 10 accuracy because of this and is as effective as my human cipher with working marskman talent... awesome :(


I'm not sure, but I think 1 meter in the game is pretty close to the diameter of a character's selection circle.

Should we not start with some Ipelagos, or at least some Greater Ipelagos, before tackling a named Arch Ipelago? 6_u


So, it appears I was able to restore the passives for the time being by using the IE Mod console commands to re-level, and then manually add the racial passive. I'll continue on this play through (don't care about losing achievements) and try to keep a regular eye on the active effects to see if they disappear again.



Suggest everyone take a close look at their Active Effects in the character sheets and make sure everything that should be there is.


my wood elf wizard main character is missing distant advantage from active effects. if i make a new level 1 in tavern, it does show up there, so there's clearly something missing. is this getting patched soon and fixed retroactively?


does anyone have instructions on what i'd type in the console to fix this?

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