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Chanters: a perfect class, or a need-to-be-nerfed class?


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ITT: Chanters are the bomb. I think Resolve does work, seems to be okay in current build.


On the paladin thing from last page, in the early BB builds they were OP as all hell and LoH did far too much healing.

You read my post.


You have been eaten by a grue.

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RE: Paladin Talents - more coming in the next patch


All orders have access to two Talents, usually affecting Flames of Devotion, Lay on Hands, or Liberating Exhortation.


The Black Path (Bleak Walkers) - When the paladin defeats an opponent, nearby enemies are Frightened

Remember Rakhan Field (Bleak Walkers) - The paladin's Flames of Devotion does additional Corrode damage.

Inspiring Liberation (Darcozzi Paladini) - Whenever the paladin uses Liberating Exhortation on an ally, the ally gains an Accuracy bonus.

Fires of Darcozzi Palace (Darcozzi Paladini) - Whenever the paladin uses Flames of Devotion, he or she gains a weak form of Flame Shield.

Enduring Flames (Goldpact Knights) - The paladin's Flames of Devotion leave behind a Burn DoT

Bond of Duty (Goldpact Knights) - Whenever the paladin uses Liberating Exhortation on an ally, the ally gains a large defensive bonus against Charmed, Confused, and Dominated.

Strange Mercy (Kind Wayfarers) - When the paladin defeats an opponent, nearby allies gain Endurance

The Sword and the Shepherd (Kind Wayfarers) - The paladin's Flames of Devotion heals Endurance in nearby allies

Shielding Flames (Shieldbearers of St. Elcga) - The paladin's Flames of Devotion grants a temporary Deflection bonus to nearby allies

Shielding Touch (Shieldbearers of St. Elcga) - Whenever the paladin uses Liberating Exhortation on an ally, the ally gains an Accuracy Bonus.

Edited by Sensuki
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Huh, apparently they moved Liberating Exhortation from being learned automatically on lvl 4 to having to be chosen as an ability on lvl 5. If they change it so that Talents are only shown when you meet the prereqs. (which I think they will, because it's inconsistent right now), it's entirely possible to miss out on the fact that you have Order-specific Talents at all; such as being a Shieldbearer that goes for Lay on Hands on lvl 1 and then don't pick Liberating Exhortation.


I wonder if it's possible to have different pools of selectable Abilities at different levels. Because if so, I really think that Exhortations should be selectable in their own pools and at slightly earlier levels than right now.


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