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Characters from KOTOR1

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if there is a yoda like person, he better be on the DS. That could be hilarious!


gawwwwwwd, im tryin to think.... didnt they have an evil yoda type in one of the games or EU somewhere? Its racking my braaaaaiins

Maybe Dark Forces?

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what they need is a really really hot girl or 2 that u can cutomize, boob job and so forth

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What Characters from KOTOR do you thing will return?


Here's three we know for a fact are returning:





The ones i think will return:





The ones i think will not return:





Raven? im returning?! AWESOME!!!

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nah.....sounds like raven will only be told about as in fate not getting to see him or her again

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nah.....sounds like raven will only be told about as in fate not getting to see him or her again

...and that's the way it should be too.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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It will depend on what you say about KOTOR1. I bet you can kill Revan if your on the dark side. I just want to know how they are going to do Revan's face.

No need for a face if he wears the robe and mask.

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why would he wear that if you take the LS ending tho?


ah the fun times with the multiple endings stuff keep on coming

yeah, I keep forgetting about the lightside ending. I suppose they could say he falls to the DS again and dons the robes and mask, but LS players might not like that explanation. I still think it makes sense to put Revan in the robes/mask, it avoids the problem of appearance, unless he/she speaks then you have gender to deal with.

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The gender part is easily fixed. They ask you what gender Revan was, so simply do two voice overs Male and Female. As for Revan falling to the darkside agian, I wouldn't like that too much. Unless, you eventually turn him back, but my Revan sworn to stay true to the jedi. My Revan was very good at the end of KOTOR1 and i doubt he would turn back to the DS.

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The gender part is easily fixed. They ask you what gender Revan was, so simply to two voice overs Male and Female.

It's a lot of extra work just to include a single character. I think Revan will be a cameo anyway, or his fate is told to us. Avoids a lot of hassle.

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