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Sensuki's Suggestions #008: A Feedback in Combat Comparison: PE vs IE


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I really like the new TAB information of all the enemies. And I don't think that it's excesive. The only thing is that the popup's too big. Little font and more information like damage, buffs/debuffs, spells avalaibles, etc. and most of the critics would gone.


Then of course the target per heroe is a must, and the same apply to the enemies, we have to know who the enemies are targeting!!

It would be nice if you could lock it at a specific place on screen so it always shows up for example at the top right corner.

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What I would really like is this:


It's hard to implement UI changes like that without it being on for everybody all the time, so anything that only half the people will use won't be put there


I mean, for the last 3 years I primarily built UI as my job. So unless their UI system is really terrible I can confidently say that this would be very easy to do.


Also, like I say there's something similar currently in the over-head HUD, just less explicit (it doesn't show the exact spell, I think). I just think it's largely useless there and would be more useful near the character portraits so you can see at a glance what exactly people are doing.


They should remove this overcomplicated HP mechanic to simplify the UI.


If you get knocked out in battle, then you are injured. Get injured too much, then you die. Resting heals injuries. Same thing as what we already have, just much less complicated.

Edited by Helm

Pillars of Eternity Josh Sawyer's Quest: The Quest for Quests - an isometric fantasy stealth RPG with optional combat and no pesky XP rewards for combat, skill usage or exploration.

PoE is supposed to be a spiritual successor to Baldur's GateJosh Sawyer doesn't like the Baldur's Gate series (more) - PoE is supposed to reward us for our achievements


"Josh Sawyer created an RPG where always avoiding combat and never picking locks makes you a powerful warrior and a master lockpicker." -Helm, very critcal and super awesome RPG fan

"I like XP for things other than just objectives. When there is no rewards for combat or other activities, I think it lessens the reward for being successful at them." -Feargus Urquhart, OE CEO

"Didn’t like the fact that I don’t get XP for combat [...] the lack of rewards for killing creatures [in PoE] makes me want to avoid combat (the core activity of the game)" -George Ziets, Game Dev.

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I mean, for the last 3 years I primarily built UI as my job. So unless their UI system is really terrible I can confidently say that this would be very easy to do.

I'm not a UI Designer but if they implemented your change it would make the UI look uneven. The portrait area would be taller than the centre menu and the combat log default size, so the art for the center menu would have to be altered to be uniform (combat log size is an easy fix).


Also, is there anything that occupies the bottom UI space, such as summons or animal companions? Because that functionality would also have to be moved/removed.


Also if it was a toggle, they would need to jigger it so that it changed the entire UI back to it's current size from your proposed new size.


That to me seems like a lot of work that could be spent elsewhere, YMMV.



as long as you keep symetry, it's not an issue if the areas are not the exact same heigth.


Look at the following simple text examples to clarify:


1) x x x


2) X x X

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They do have a UI HUD for recovery timer, but I disable it.


Instead of overlapping the portrait (which I would hate), it could be displayed on the combat HUD instead?


The animation for recovery time is pretty terrible atm. I made a video on the RPGCodex comparing it to the Baldur's Gate 1 combat idle. Most of the weapon stances are off, and there is not enough fidgeting.


Sure, although there's something like that on the combat HUD above characters already but IMO it is too small and characters are too close together for it to be readable and useful.


What I would really like is this:



The bar would fill up to when the action is actually performed instead of showing recovery time. So if I start casting a spell mid-recovery I can clearly see:

A. That it was queued as the next action

B. How long until it will actually occur

C. If it is interrupted, the bar would reset to zero and it could flash red or something


I assume you would also hate this, but I don't really understand why you and others hate certain types of UI and feedback. Regardless though, they could make it so that you can disable it with Expert mode and the like and it would be okay.


Personally I'm about as much feedback as possible, I don't care at all about skeumorphic UI or immersion when it comes to UI functionality to I'd like as much useful, readable, clear feedback as they can fit as long as it makes sense.


And allow it to be disabled for those who hate it.




It would be better to put the spell icon on the right side, because keeping it on the left side could confuse idiots into thinking that the health bar is actually the progress bar.

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