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Finding the game WAY too easy...

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Hi guys,


So I'm playing on Hardcore and I am a level 4 thief and I am finding it WAAAAY too easy. I am using the 

Mongolian Bow

and it literally killed ANYTHING i attack in one hit. Is anyone else finding this? I appreciate the game could do with some patching and balancing but its ridiculous at the moment.

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The only thing I've ever killed in one hit with that weapon is a rat.


Of course, I've also only played Fighter and Jew. Could be that Thief has archery buffs in the skill tree. If so, enjoy it while it lasts :)

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I've always played on Normal, and I found it to be only challenging sometimes. The only two fights I had a hard time with was

versus Al Gore and versus the 4 elves in the beginning of the game.

Everything else had some challenge, but that was mitigated by better armor and using weapons. I think what I might try to do is play the game wearing only PJs, or (try) to play without items.

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I find it way too easy at the moment. So long as I hit the enemy and attack first i just get both of my party to drink Tweak coffee for 2 attacks and can finish most battles without the enemy having a change. Mongolian bow just seems to own everything. 


Also, in regards to weapons - Can a thief use a 2handed weapon with his abilitiews like backstab and stuff? Im finding little to no theif armour/gear and loads of warrior stuff...

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Yeah Mongolian Bow is OP for the early game, if you grab it before recruiting Token, Clyde and Tweek, you're laughing for a long while.


I usually go Mongolian Bow > Broken Bottle > Recurve Bow > Buzz Saw


For Melee Weapons it's pretty much whatever as it doesn't matter all that much until you get Cartman's Wizard Staff then I just switch to The Warriors Sword then finally The Sweet Katana.


It's just unfortunate with all these customization options if you do some critical thinking, you'll realize which items are indeed the best options.


So long as you have a fire badge, gross badge and bleed badge of some kind, you can kill bosses with any weapon just from the status ailment stacking... kind of a broken game play element...


It's just too bad they didn't make more enemies immune to bleeding / fire / gross.


If you really want to challenge yourself go through the game on Hardcore and stay away from using fire and bleed patches... use unconventional things like freeze and shock and see how it goes. Sometimes you just have to challenge yourself.


I'm sure it won't make a world of difference though considering you can use items every turn AND attack... I mean all you really need to do is buy a lot of coffee so you always get two turns for each character... so 4 turns before the enemies even attack... you'll still cream it.


This game was meant as pure entertainment and not to be taken seriously as a challenging gaming experience... if you want some challenge Dark Souls II is currently out on Xbox 360 and PS3... it's coming to PC April 25th... so there will be plenty of frustration to be had playing that game. :)

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This game was meant as pure entertainment and not to be taken seriously as a challenging gaming experience... if you want some challenge Dark Souls II is currently out on Xbox 360 and PS3... it's coming to PC April 25th... so there will be plenty of frustration to be had playing that game. :)



If so, they could have made a less complex/varied battle system though and put that to better use. Not to mention the ideas behind several of the encounters (boss ones) is actually pretty interesting, but in the end doesn't make much of a difference.


Thus, I'm reasonably sure that difficulty got toned down somewhat along the way.

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Yeah, I just stock up on tweek coffe and own every battle. Not using mongolian bow any more just to challenge myself. 


Also, I just did the first mission in the School which i enjoyed, felt like a proper mission. Are there many more of those type of quests?


Also, I went off the map into the forrest for the first time at level 4... it was bad idea. Is there anything to gain from those areas other than dieing and getting lost?

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Also, I am a thief and all of the 'theif' armour seems pants compared to warrior stuff. Im wearing KK armour at the moment and have just been given a full suit of theif style armour. I dont see any benefit of using this armour if my KK Armour is gives me loads more buffs, even more buffs when using a 2H weapon and also more armour... Thoughts?

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Yeah, I just stock up on tweek coffe and own every battle. Not using mongolian bow any more just to challenge myself. 


Also, I just did the first mission in the School which i enjoyed, felt like a proper mission. Are there many more of those type of quests?


Also, I went off the map into the forrest for the first time at level 4... it was bad idea. Is there anything to gain from those areas other than dieing and getting lost?

Those dogs are pretty tough, especially considering they love to call on other dogs, and those ones can attack you right way so it's like they don't lose a turn to make a call. For that reason, I found them to be the toughest regular battles in the game. I had to end one battle by only beating them enough that they would lie down on the screen so there was no more room for a new dog could come into.


As far as getting lost is concerned, I just used common sense to get to Canada, and so getting back was just as easy. I only went there and to the Christmas Critters via map from Stan's room (I think I just kept going south after I left there which worked), so unless there's something else there, I don't know what it is.

You see, ever since the whole Doritos Locos Tacos thing, Taco Bell thinks they can do whatever they want.

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I suppose there's no way to mod difficulty or anything? At least in Alpha Protocol you could easily modify global damage, noise, etc. variables. 

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I suppose there's no way to mod difficulty or anything? At least in Alpha Protocol you could easily modify global damage, noise, etc. variables. 

Well, he has already selected the "hardest" difficulty by moving it from normal to hardcore.... so...

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It's somewhere at the middle, i also play on hardcore with figher class (I'm not that OP but almost every hit is around 5-7k dmg)

And i'm level 14.

When i fix my text issue (if i ever will ..) i want to play with a jew, because as a jew by my self i find it so damn funny 

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