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General thread for patch suggestions



Thought I just make a general thread


- Easier QTE's
- The game letterboxes in 16:10 on pc. Can this be improved? There's ini options, but they should be in-game available imo.
- please patch in keybindings. I'm a bit disappointed this wasn't the case to begin with after DS3.
- Also having an option to turn off vibrations.

Edited by C2B
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General suggestions for future DLC/Patches:


  • When selling items, it should automatically select/highlight the next item on the list. For easier spam clicking for sell junk or just add a sell junk button.
  • Hitting the same keybind again should exit the menu. (I.e. Hitting O twice should open and close the menu)
  • Add an "Available" quest tab to let players know if there are still quests to be done in the game.
  • Allow us to like other peoples statuses and set our own status, it's cosmetic, but still...
  • Make the A&D Fart tutorial easier by pointing out the arrow instead of having it show alternating keys, it's confusing.
  • Allow us to revisit locations where Chinpokomon are, even if they're just empty maps.
  • Give us a bit more time on Kyle's Rain of Arrows spell to hit the key, it's literally a flash.
  • Ability to reset perks and abilities
  • Not sure if the Stick of Truth actually has a day/night system, however, if it does, give us a clock. So I don't get grounded. ;)
  • Give us different profiles for our saves, so we don't accidentally save over our old characters.
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General suggestions for future DLC/Patches:


  • When selling items, it should automatically select/highlight the next item on the list. For easier spam clicking for sell junk or just add a sell junk button.
  • Hitting the same keybind again should exit the menu. (I.e. Hitting O twice should open and close the menu)
  • Add an "Available" quest tab to let players know if there are still quests to be done in the game.
  • Allow us to like other peoples statuses and set our own status, it's cosmetic, but still...
  • Make the A&D Fart tutorial easier by pointing out the arrow instead of having it show alternating keys, it's confusing.
  • Allow us to revisit locations where Chinpokomon are, even if they're just empty maps.
  • Give us a bit more time on Kyle's Rain of Arrows spell to hit the key, it's literally a flash.
  • Ability to reset perks and abilities
  • Not sure if the Stick of Truth actually has a day/night system, however, if it does, give us a clock. So I don't get grounded. ;)
  • Give us different profiles for our saves, so we don't accidentally save over our old characters.


The day/night appears to just be once you've done the relevant story quests for the day, you go to the night part.


I'm in agreement with pretty much all of these suggestions, and have one of my own:


If you time the defend correctly for the first attack in a really fast chain (Curb Stomp, as an example) extend the block duration by a bit. Even if you spam the button when the first block is over, you'll get hit by 1-2 attacks before you can block again.

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For the store interface it would just be great if the sliders didn't move everytime you sell something. I like to keep some of the junk items, so when I am scrolling down to sell things, its annoying to be bounced back to the top everytime and have to re-scroll down.


1) It would also be nice to be able to check-mark junk items as something else, some sort of collectable-junk filter, and then not have them show up in the normal junk list so things can be sold faster. And if you could do that, then a "sell all junk" button would be great to get rid of the things not checked for saving. (I do put junk I want to horde in my bedroom chest to clear up the list, but its a hassle to have to drop them off after every few fights or deal with a cluttered list that keeps reseting position to the top each transaction.)


1a) I'd also like to be able to buy-back junk (I call them treasures) if I sold something I didn't mean to sell, but it doesn't show up currently.


2) Being able to right click to return to previous page in store menu's would be great, just like in combat menus, instead of changing it to (only) esc there. If it were the same key for both, it wouldn't likely matter which it had been, but its the inconsistency that can turn a small thing into something that gets increasingly annoying the more you play the game. Esc makes sense as a 2nd way to do store menu's since the game is already paused and its pretty normal to use esc, but right-click should be another way of going-back in any menu since its used in some menu's.


3) Re-iterating QTE timing issues on PC at least (we are maybe not as akin to button mashing as the console folk). It took forever to get off the space ship, what I had to do was hit the key on both my keyboard and a left-hand gaming keypad (using both hands and trying to time them to hit just between each other) so that I could just barely make it. I am getting close to making a macro to just repeat key presses, but I have tried to keep at it so far without resorting to that since I hate cheating (using two keypads is bad, I know, but I couldn't even get close with just one no matter how hard and focused I was after many attempts). There really needs to be a slider bar to adjust the time allowed in QTE's would be the best solution, so people can find the balance they want (some want to just cruise through them on a casual sunday drive, maybe some sadist want to spend hours on them [and either really hate their keyboard and want to punish it for some reason, or can afford to keep replacing their keyboards every week when wasd wear out], but I'm okay with a middle ground).


4) There really needs to be a slider bar to adjust the time allowed in QTE's. Note that I'm not talking about for instance using powers and having to hit a key at the right time; those work fine. Its the things where you have to keep mashing the key over and over- they are all at least 2x as much mashing required as the time allows (you need basically double the time allowed to pull it off unless you are... Masherborn).


5-100) see 4

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General suggestions for future DLC/Patches:


  • When selling items, it should automatically select/highlight the next item on the list. For easier spam clicking for sell junk or just add a sell junk button.
  • Hitting the same keybind again should exit the menu. (I.e. Hitting O twice should open and close the menu)
  • Add an "Available" quest tab to let players know if there are still quests to be done in the game.
  • Allow us to like other peoples statuses and set our own status, it's cosmetic, but still...
  • Make the A&D Fart tutorial easier by pointing out the arrow instead of having it show alternating keys, it's confusing.
  • Allow us to revisit locations where Chinpokomon are, even if they're just empty maps.
  • Give us a bit more time on Kyle's Rain of Arrows spell to hit the key, it's literally a flash.
  • Ability to reset perks and abilities
  • Not sure if the Stick of Truth actually has a day/night system, however, if it does, give us a clock. So I don't get grounded. ;)
  • Give us different profiles for our saves, so we don't accidentally save over our old characters.



I don't like the idea of an available quest tab, unless they are obfuscated similar to the "chimpokomon" collectibles (nameless silhouttes until you have them). Once you have finished the main quest, perhaps it could enable an optional display toggle to show something like 5/11 side quests completed or 85% of quest completed. I'd rather not know how many quests there are unless I've exhausted everything I could find to do and just want to be sure I haven't missed anything, so a toggled counter at that point would be possibly helpful; the percentage is a nicer way in my opinion, since its informative but you don't have a firm number unless you bother to add up all the quests completed in the journal to convert % to #. Of course, the % shouldn't be "game completed %" that includes finding collectibles and such (I'm looking at you games like GTA) since that isn't useful at all in figuring out if I am done with actual quests (I can see on other pages if I have collectibles left to find).


Too much information on things such as that can ruin immersion, and a game is less fun when you know its over in five moves. I'd never make it as a chess gm.

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Constant problem with summoning Pr. Chaos. Sometimes when Chaos is summoned, the wheel doesn't appear, after couple seconds fight brings back to normal exept ur characters remains invisible.  

Only bug so far for me. 

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A proper hard save system. It's aggravating to "save" your game manuallly only to see it copy the last checkpoint you passed instead of the actual progress or changes you've made.


being able to skip tutorials if you have already been through the game as a different character


Also, larger money gains would be appreciated since it takes a LOT of grinding to be able to buy eveything in the game, even with [Magnet] abilities stacked on your character.

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They need to fix the Anal Probing part for the PC I'm literally stuck I can get past the first one but the black one is impossible.


It's happening across all platforms. Please, enough already! Fix the damn thing.

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