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obsidian making 2 games?

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How many staff does obsidian have?


My guess is that kotor 2 will only require 30 staff at the most considering that its based on an existing engine and already has existing art.


If obsidian has more then 30 employees then chances are its working on more then 1 game.

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Possible scenarios:


Delaware (underway a while) and new team put together for KOTOR2. Unlikely.


Delaware = KOTOR2 and another title (definitely unsigned as of yet) in the works. Likely.


Delaware = KOTOR2, they are contemplating another title and are looking for employees.

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Possible scenarios:


Delaware = KOTOR2, they are contemplating another title and are looking for employees.

Yeah, but why would they be hiring more people when they are just contemplating? it isn't like the job market is so tight that they wouldn't be able to get employees when closer to having a game than just thinking about doing a second one.

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My bet is that development of KOTOR 3 (Totally new ENGINE disign) is underway. Why? Well maybe for the launch of Xbox 2.

Look, I don't think I am saying anything shocking if I said that they DO have another project (that isn't being worked on heavily just yet, hence the hirings not having taken place yet last I heard) and it ISN'T KOTOR3.

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