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Google Stürmer or the russian less known "Krokoill" propaganda mags. Plenty of "functional art" there.


Personally I prefer Art that is from someone who hasnt gone through the inane artschools and academies where passion and drive is subjugated to witless provocation and chilidish form... or worse rules and regulations that stifle any passion.


Most of my art is from artists that either never made it commercially or from their pre academy years. Thick oilpaintings where the texture, form and colours scream out at me and challenge me to feel and form an opinion, good or bad. It also has the advantage of being dirt cheap compared to some of the "installations" that pass for art these days.

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"Politicians. Little tin gods on wheels". -Rudyard Kipling. A European Fallout timeline? Dont mind if I do!

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"Get out of here, Stalker!"

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I wonder if Russian kids grew up afraid that NATO was going to invade. That would be kinda funny, in a black is white, up is down kinda way.


There's a lot of nostalgia for the Soviet Union amongst Russian youths who didn't live in the Soviet era. It's more a matter the picture being paranoid anti-American propaganda.


Of course, I'm sure there's no irony relating to the status of Chechnya involved in that image, either. Not joking.

Edited by AGX-17
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There's a lot of nostalgia for the Soviet Union amongst Russian youths who didn't live in the Soviet era..


Even among anti-communists. The most bizarre expression of this has to be National Bolshevism.

"We have nothing to fear but fear itself! Apart from pain... and maybe humiliation. And obviously death and failure. But apart from fear, pain, humiliation, failure, the unknown and death, we have nothing to fear but fear itself!"

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I wonder if Russian kids grew up afraid that NATO was going to invade. That would be kinda funny, in a black is white, up is down kinda way.

Say this to citiezens of Panama, Somali, Iraq, Yugoslavia , Afghanistan, Lybia, Yemen, etc.


You say this as though Soviet Russia didn't invade Afghanistan in 1979 and fight a decade long war attempting to conquer a territory which had no desire to be part of the Soviet Union (which they lost,) finally withdrawing in 1989. Even without American aid, the Afghans would still have outlasted and defeated the mighty Soviet Union as they did.


This game of international interference and support for corrupt regimes was played by both sides of the cold war, although I assume from your words Russians aren't taught this in their schools. America's international crimes, deposing democratically elected leftist regimes, have gone unpunished, but that doesn't make Russia a shining beacon of justice, hands clean of blood. You probably were never taught about any of the anti-Soviet resistance and rebellions in countries like Poland, Ukraine and Hungary, and if you were, you were probably taught that they were evil capitalist shills and not oppressed, occupied people revolting against an occupying force and a puppet government. I wonder if you've ever asked a Pole or a Hungarian why they revolted against the Soviets. I don't believe that you'd listen, and if you did, you would smugly think to yourself that they're malicious liars who have been corrupted by anti-Russian propaganda (lol, propaganda is fine art thread, imagine that,) or stupid sheep being misled by revisionist histories.


The time for Nationalism has long passed.


And there has never been an American invasion of Somalia. There were American attempts to deliver humanitarian aid (cue conspiracy theories,) to Somalia which were met with hostility and ended shortly thereafter. The only countries to invade and occupy Somalian territory in the last 20 years have been African countries, Ethiopia and Kenya.

Edited by AGX-17
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All these countries invaded after Cold War end. Your rhetoric don't work.

Panama (1989 -1990)

Iraq (1990-1991), (2003 - present)

Somali (1992-1995)

Yugoslavia (1995), (1999)

Afghanistan (2001–present)

Yemen (permanent bombing)

Lybia (2011)


I am from Afghanistan. I really feel sorry about those Afghans who fought against Soviet Union. Our people were kept in darkness by our king at that time. We had no idea about Soviet Union. They just came to help, educate us and secure their border - they had nothing to do with our religion. But the US took advantage of our ignorance. They provoked us and they used us against Soviet Union. Now, we are in trouble with NATO. They have violated our freedom.


I remember every single rocket that was coming from Islamic Party (Hezb-i-Islami) and later Taliban's locations. They created and provided logistics for these groups to destroy those who are opposing them. Later they enter the country saying "we are here to help you guys". They have economical objectives.

Right now members of Islamic Party (Hezb-i-Islami) and Taliban movement are working as cabinet and parliament members in the Government. It is a complicated GAME.


NATO changed Afghanistan to a country of drugs, terror, prostitution. Kabul is right now the centre of world prostitutes - 1000s of massage centres. 10% of our population is addicted with drugs. This war created millions of refuges. luck of security is another problem that they have created, majority of people are jobless, education level is too low. They control all our affairs. Now, we understand the true face of Imperialists.


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I'm sure the education levels would have been much higher under the Taliban regime. Being fascinated with natural science, philosophy, fine art and foreign cultures like they are. They appreciation of the Bamyian statues, their promoting of literacy of the female half of the population and cracking down on child abuse and pedophilia is almost on par with their disdain of misogyny.

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“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I'm sure the education levels would have been much higher under the Taliban regime. Being fascinated with natural science, philosophy, fine art and foreign cultures like they are. They appreciation of the Bamyian statues, their promoting of literacy of the female half of the population and cracking down on child abuse and pedophilia is almost on par with their disdain of misogyny.


They didn't come to power until '96, though. The Soviet-Afghan war was '79-'89.

Edited by Agelastos

"We have nothing to fear but fear itself! Apart from pain... and maybe humiliation. And obviously death and failure. But apart from fear, pain, humiliation, failure, the unknown and death, we have nothing to fear but fear itself!"

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They didn't come to power until '96, though. The Soviet-Afghan war was '79-'89.


Your sarcasm detector needs re-calibrating :)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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They didn't come to power until '96, though. The Soviet-Afghan war was '79-'89.


Your sarcasm detector needs re-calibrating :)


No, no. It works just fine. And your post was funny. That's not the issue.

"We have nothing to fear but fear itself! Apart from pain... and maybe humiliation. And obviously death and failure. But apart from fear, pain, humiliation, failure, the unknown and death, we have nothing to fear but fear itself!"

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NATO brings democracy to Kosovo - Thanks a lot



"Inhuman treatment of people and illicit trafficking in human organs in Kosovo."

The report charged that former Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) boss and current Prime Minister, Hashim Thaçi, "is the head of a 'mafia-like' Albanian group responsible for smuggling weapons, drugs and human organs through eastern Europe," The Guardian disclosed.



A Ukraining woman who managed to escape from what she called "World's hell hole" gave an interview with details about Kosovo's Prime Minister Hasim Thaci and his harem in which 52 slaves 'worked' day and night serving the prime minister as well as other politicians and businessmen.


"Most of the people who arrive here are older, very few are younger. Many of them are foreign diplomats, including officers from EULEX and KFOR."



19 Witnesses, all Albanians who were suppose to testify against Ramush Haradinaj were brutally executed during a 7 year time frame. The rest of the witness who were pretty much as good as dead refused to testify against him.


The 19 'protected' witnesses did not appear to be protected by anyone... was this done on purpose? Kosovo police never arrested anyone in relation to the 19 murders.


Despite tens of thousands of pages of evidence against the Kosovo strong man, spiced with 19 additional murders, Haradinaj was astonishingly freed by the Hague Court.



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All these countries invaded after Cold War end. Your rhetoric don't work.

Panama (1989 -1990)

Iraq (1990-1991), (2003 - present)

Somali (1992-1995)

Yugoslavia (1995), (1999)

Afghanistan (2001–present)

Yemen (permanent bombing)

Lybia (2011)


I am from Afghanistan. I really feel sorry about those Afghans who fought against Soviet Union. Our people were kept in darkness by our king at that time. We had no idea about Soviet Union. They just came to help, educate us and secure their border - they had nothing to do with our religion. But the US took advantage of our ignorance. They provoked us and they used us against Soviet Union. Now, we are in trouble with NATO. They have violated our freedom.


I remember every single rocket that was coming from Islamic Party (Hezb-i-Islami) and later Taliban's locations. They created and provided logistics for these groups to destroy those who are opposing them. Later they enter the country saying "we are here to help you guys". They have economical objectives.

Right now members of Islamic Party (Hezb-i-Islami) and Taliban movement are working as cabinet and parliament members in the Government. It is a complicated GAME.


NATO changed Afghanistan to a country of drugs, terror, prostitution. Kabul is right now the centre of world prostitutes - 1000s of massage centres. 10% of our population is addicted with drugs. This war created millions of refuges. luck of security is another problem that they have created, majority of people are jobless, education level is too low. They control all our affairs. Now, we understand the true face of Imperialists.


Cold war was still on in 1989. Still no invasion of Somalia. No fly zone over Libya is not an invasion, it was approved by the UN security council and it wasn't the US' idea to begin with, it was the Libyan rebels'. The fact that Russia abstained rather than voting against it is also telling. Yugoslavia was a NATO operation and you're just mad that the intervention came right when your slav brothers were winning at genocide.


And hoo-boy, "Afghan guy" :lol: Boy you sure showed me with that quote you made up. If I were to bet 500 kilograms of solid gold that you will ignore any request to provide a reliable, unbiased source (I'm sure your idea of unbiased is Russian nationalist,) for that claim or any evidence for those (fake) statistics cited by "Afghan guy," not a single person outside of Russia would take me up on that bet. And I would win.


Funnily enough, I've heard from a Russian man (on the radio program Radiolab,) who fought in the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan what the Afghans did to Russians they captured. I remember he talked about how they cut off the arms and legs of Russians, gouged out their eyes and left them in the street next to IEDs to lure other Russian soldiers to their deaths. This man was talking about what they did to a friend of his, a close friend. This friend of his begged his friends to kill him. Yeah, those Afghans sure loved you.


On-topic: Propaganda is still not fine art.

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Cold war was still on in 1989. Still no invasion of Somalia. No fly zone over Libya is not an invasion, it was approved by the UN security council and it wasn't the US' idea to begin with, it was the Libyan rebels'. The fact that Russia abstained rather than voting against it is also telling. Yugoslavia was a NATO operation and you're just mad that the intervention came right when the slavs were winning at genocide. You slavs are a whole other ballgame, huh?


The first Yugoslav war was justly called a "postmodern war", but the second revealed the total dependence of the postmodern "culture community" on the media, which were entirely under the control of those in power and no longer even masked their role as brainwashing machine. NATO aircraft systematically destroyed the Yugoslav media precisely because they were not controlled by NATO and provided "incorrect" information — this was stated openly. Well-known American professors unanimously complained that not one publication wanted to print articles in which they criticized NATO, and television crews refused to interview them as soon as it became clear that they opposed the war in Yugoslavia...

Both Yugoslav wars had economic causes, among others: the refusal of the ruling Socialist Party in Yugoslavia to privatize collective property and allow Western capital to buy up Yugoslav industry (altogether, only 7 percent of the Yugoslav economy is privatized, and in Serbia the figure is 4 percent). The Yugoslav leadership's position can be explained in terms of the economic interests of the collective owners who are also the backbone of the Socialist Party, but the Western media said not a word about this, preferring to demonize one person, Milosevic. This is a deliberate dumbing-down of the viewer to the level of the benighted and illiterate Russian peasant of the early nineteenth century, who believed that Bonaparte was the Antichrist.


And hoo-boy, "Afghan guy" :lol: Boy you sure showed me with that quote you made up. If I were to bet 500 kilograms of solid gold that you will ignore any request to provide a reliable source for that claim or any evidence for those (fake) statistics cited by "Afghan guy," not a single person outside of Russia would take me up on that bet. And I would win.


Ask him


Funnily enough, I've heard from a Russian man (on the radio program Radiolab,) who fought in the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan what the Afghans did to Russians they captured. I remember he talked about how they cut off the arms and legs of Russians, gouged out their eyes and left them in the street next to IEDs to lure other Russian soldiers to their deaths. This man was talking about what they did to a friend of his, a close friend. This friend of his begged his friends to kill him. Yeah, those Afghans sure loved you.

~ 243 900 Afghans paid with their lives fighting on our side in this war. How many Afghans fight on NATO side?



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On-topic: Propaganda is still not fine art.

You don't understand difference between art and propaganda.


This is art




This is propaganda



In other words: It's only propaganda if it's in German. Good to know.

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"We have nothing to fear but fear itself! Apart from pain... and maybe humiliation. And obviously death and failure. But apart from fear, pain, humiliation, failure, the unknown and death, we have nothing to fear but fear itself!"

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I wonder if Russian kids grew up afraid that NATO was going to invade. That would be kinda funny, in a black is white, up is down kinda way.


East Germany (little Siberia) trained v. rigorously for invasion and counter invasion scenarios.


This needs more Nazi propaganda posters, but they mostly depict Jews so they're not art

Edited by Sacred_Path
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I wonder if Russian kids grew up afraid that NATO was going to invade. That would be kinda funny, in a black is white, up is down kinda way.


East Germany (little Siberia) trained v. rigorously for invasion and counter invasion scenarios.


This needs more Nazi propaganda posters, but they mostly depict Jews so they're not art




Edited by Agelastos

"We have nothing to fear but fear itself! Apart from pain... and maybe humiliation. And obviously death and failure. But apart from fear, pain, humiliation, failure, the unknown and death, we have nothing to fear but fear itself!"

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