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One thing that I am really interested in is the follower mechanic in PE.


The devs have said that you can have 6 party members and followers. I think this will be really cool and will hopefully make questing and combat really awesome, being able to quest with your quest giver or one of their associates (if they're capable) etc etc, and will allow you to interact with secondary characters in the world really well. This is something that I always did as a Dungeon Master in D&D so my players could have cooler battles.


I'm looking forward to massive IE-style (or larger) battles where crucial management of your followers is also paramount to winning a fight. This will be awesome with summons and animal companions (for Rangers and Druids) as well.


Hopefully the control mechanisms are very RTS like.

Edited by Sensuki
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I doubt they are going to move away from the interface mechanics found in the IE games. Plus quite a few Total War fans in the development team.

"Things are funny...are comedic, because they mix the real with the absurd." - Buzz Aldrin.

"P-O-T-A-T-O-E" - Dan Quayle

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You know what I'm really looking forward to (maybe I should say hoping?) Decent pathfinding!! I'm replaying BG1 right now and for the love of the Flying Spaghetti Monster ... :banghead:

Lol I am just going to wait a month and get the Enhanced Edition before I replay it :p


And ya, I think that the party size cap is good, although any bigger and I might have some issues.

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I was more talking about questing with some help from your quest-giver.


I'm hoping for stuff like this


Captain of the Guards wants to employ you indepdently to solve a murder mystery in Big Big City, and he puts one of his men in your charge. This adds a cool story element because then you can have interactions with this NPC, you can use him in combat and he will witness your actions while doing the quest. You can get him killed, kill him yourself, or show him that you are a capable individual and gain influence with the faction.

You know like when you have someone following you in other games (Neverwinter Nights, The Witcher, Mass Effect) but you gain temporary control over them.

To prevent abuse, there would have to be some restrictions on when you are given control of the follower and where you can take the follower as well I would assume. Otherwise you could be tacking on a follower that's given to you for X quest and using him to help you beat Y quest etc.


etc etc

Stuff like that. I think it will probably take place more in main storyline events but it would be cool here and there to have it in sidequests as well.

Edited by Sensuki
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