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Morale system - fleeing enemies

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Depending on the type of enemy, their morale state and presence of allies on the map, a "broken" oppoent can:


1) Run towards the map exit and dissapear (he counts as defeated)

2) Run to get reinforcements. He can either get back with reonforcments of wait for you.

3) Surrender

4) Fight to the death


Chuck Norris was wrong once - He thought HE made a mistake!


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I didn't really like the way it was implemented in the IE games or Fallout but it's an idea that could be developed a bit. I'm not sure how though.


Maybe there could be an X-Com like panic system that affected the way enemies acted. Not flat-out starting to whail on allies or anything like that, but maybe doing some stupid things AI-wise. Would probably be pretty complex to code and test though I assume.

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  • 3 months later...

What is effected by morale?


Stamina? Reputation? Resting outdoors gives less stamina/morale but doing it too much deteriorates stamina/morale over time? (i.e. have to go to an inn every now and then again). Taking down an enemy gives morale? Getting to point B (stealth) gives party morale/courage?


Is Morale and Courage the same thing? (Simplified: Yes, but could one apply for one type and the other for another type?)

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A very basic improvement to commonly-implemented systems would be to have stages of morale loss in between "FOR SPARTA!" and "I'M RUNNING HOME TO RE-HYDRATE SO THAT I CAN FINISH PEEING MY PANTS!".


Especially with groups. Maybe 12 bandits think they have you outnumbered. You take down 4 of them, they start to lose certainty, and fight more cautiously and less aggressively. Or, maybe there's even a small chance that, as their morale drops, they start making desperation attacks like a cornered animal. And finally, at certain points, maybe they start to turn and run.


However complex they wanna go with it, I think that, at the very least, "back away and re-think your strategy" should come before "run until you die." It just seems to toggle between "I'm completely fine with charging you head-on" and "Oh crap, I better get as far away from you as possible!" in most games, heh. Sometimes it toggles right back after they run about 50 feet, and perhaps regain some health *coughELDERSCROLLScough*. Or, you know, they "yield," only to get back up and rush you after they have 10 more hitpoints, even though you just slew like 5 deities right in front of them.

Should we not start with some Ipelagos, or at least some Greater Ipelagos, before tackling a named Arch Ipelago? 6_u

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I would like it taken a step further and making morale instead into an all encompassing psychological/mental health statistic.


Enemies suffering from loss of psychological well being/morale might either flee, go breserk, surrender, or fall hopless to their inevitable doom. Social skills, spells, and abilities could be used on enemies within combat in order to illicit any such reaction.

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Depending on the type of enemy, their morale state and presence of allies on the map, a "broken" oppoent can:


1) Run towards the map exit and dissapear (he counts as defeated)

2) Run to get reinforcements. He can either get back with reonforcments of wait for you.

3) Surrender

4) Fight to the death

Well-disciplined opponents can also perform a fighting withdrawal; performing a coordinated retreat to a defensible position, for example. But that would require excellent AI.

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^Great insight and something I think should be accountable for.


Enemy Rangers giving cover fire and using guerrilla tactics on you if their morale goes down. Perhaps even employ some specific "Low Morale" tactics (on the AI that is). Rogue's throwing traps at you..


But it could also make the climatic battle draw out to an annoyingly "too long" chase where the enemy (that you can take down in 1 hit) throws traps at you. Shoots arrows to cover their Fighters and generally pokes at you with great frustration.


One scenario that I can see though which could be pretty epic is if you've taken down most of the enemy but there still some left who actually manage to turn the tide to their favor (Rangers shooting arrows on your party, the Fighters re-routes and re-positions themselves, flanking the group and manages to deal some damage before my party takes them down in an epic and intense showdown).


EDIT P.S: Chasing some of the paniced enemies in Baldur's Gate was a bore by itself somehow, I'd rather the enemies not run away (unless fast enough that you can't catch up to them unless you throw an arrow to their face at the edge of the Fog of War as they are about to get away).


An enemy getting away should also yield more reputation from the faction the enemy was apart of.

Edited by Osvir
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