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Bring in BioWare or Other Legendary Designers as Stretch Goal

More designers/writers as a stretch goal  

199 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you want legendary BioWare designers to take part in the development of PE?

    • Yes, bring in everyone willing!
    • Yes, but bring in only those who worked on the BG series and/or the Infinity Engine
    • No, this game should be made by Obsidian exclusively.

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No, I didn't pledge to get a new BioWare game. I don't harbor any ill will towards BioWare and I know Black Isle and Obsidian collaborated with them before. However, my interest in this project is seeing what Obsidian can do when left to their own devices. I have long believed in the potential of this studio and how much more awesome a game they could develop without being fettered by corporate shenanigans. This is the first time that could actually happen. I do not want to see that opportunity squandered.

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God no. Sorry, but Bioware simply isn't what it used to be anymore. Their last two games were flops of catastrophical proportions. Not to mention it'd probably be extremely costy/impossible to get Bioware into this project after they've sold all their souls to EA.

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How would this even be supposed to work? Do some of you honestly live under the impression that Bioware - or rather, EA - would just allow some of its core staff to help out a competitor? Seriously, guys, whatever they put in your breakfast, I want some of it. Because I don't get that delusional before having drunk a full bottle of whiskey... :blink:

Edited by Posbi
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If this had been 3-4 years ago then I would have definitely said "Yes!"


These days though? No. BioWare have fallen too far. It's pretty damn clear that the changes from Dragon Age: Origins to Dragon Age 2 alone are enough to indicate that they aren't on the same page any more these days. DAO was supposed to originally be very similar to Project Eternity in what it was trying to accomplish, and while it succeeded to a degree, they immediately threw that away with DA2.


I think the idea of bringing in other people is fine, but they would have to be those who actually want to make a proper, deep fantasy RPG and not wanting a watered-down action game ala BioWare's recent offerings.

Edited by Terror K


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Have you played Bioware's recent titles? Their writing has become a joke.


No one from Bioware, please.

Eh Gaider and Patrick would be finew s they are the only writers worth anything at that shell, Gaider though since he has strong ties with BG. It's not like people want Casey Hudson to help, because that would be bad.


Wasn't Gaider the guy who defended Dragon Age 2 and even insulted fans on their forums for not liking the writing in DA2? And no! No one at Bioware is really worth anything like that. Mabye as Janitor or coffee kid for the real staff.

Edited by Darji
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Seems like the immaturity outweighs the maturity in responses by a scary degree... might be a good idea to take a timeout.



“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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