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Calls for "Human Rights Act" to be Scrapped


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So not sure how aware people outside of merry olde england are aware of it.. but of late we've had a few issues here.

Mostly related to known terrorists, or convicted murderers/child molesters/general villainous scum who are all foreign nationals who've come to England, commited crimes, served in prison, but when we try to deport them back to their country of origin they claim it would violate their human rights.


Which ends up with said general nasty folk not being deported, and in quite a few cases then being legally entitled to claim state benefits...


So yes, causing a bit of a fuss and furor.


Sky News - Home Secretary backs calls to scrap Human Rights Act


Telegraph - Home Secretary: Scrap the HUman Rights Act


BBC News - Cameron wants Human Rights Act Reviewed

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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It's a difficult position to be in for sure. On one hand a nation should be allowed to deport immigrants who are causing endless trouble, on the other hand is fairly easy to misuse a new law to deport unwanted individuals belonging to a certain ethnicity or religion and thereby cater for the xenophobic. Too often I see parties wanting to go too far, even going borderline fascist - but on the other hand I respect democracy enough to not want to limit their right to make new (and racist) laws.


Britain should be allowed to replace the Human Rights Act with a British Bill of Rights however. It's a sovereign nation after all.

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Well.. if the immigrants are causing 'endless trouble' that tends to imply 'criminal activities' so why not arrest them and throw them in prison? That way they get to stay in the country and get a nice home in jail for their troubles.


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Well.. if the immigrants are causing 'endless trouble' that tends to imply 'criminal activities' so why not arrest them and throw them in prison? That way they get to stay in the country and get a nice home in jail for their troubles.


Probably because it is very expensive to jail people. And I believe the issue is what to do after their sentence.

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Scrapping Human rights = bad


Scrapping the act written at one time to protect those rights, and which we now understand to have been grossly badly worded = up for debate


It makes me very sad that so many opportunists are calling the govt. 'evil' and 'nasty' for wanting to reject the act. We've got convicted child rapists using the 'family life' provision to claim asylum here! And what doesn't help is that it's being adjudicated by a European court which has not a single democratic tie to this country.


I can see some benefits in having a transnational authority to adjudicate on grosss abuses of human rights. But forcing the UK to provides homes and support to people who commit grotesque crimes against the rights of people in the UK is complete insanity. It erodes the rule of law, and the entire foundation of the state.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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