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How is dark side in this game?

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Hello, I've beaten kotor 1 many times and I've beaten kotor 2 a couple times as well but only as light side. I want to try kotor 2 as dark side, but I'm afraid its going to end up like kotor 1. In kotor 1 being dark side was pretty stupid, it consisted of dialogue of mostly:


random npc: "Hello, could we talk for a second?"


Dark side character: "I WILL KILL YOUR WHOLE FAMILY!"


Are Kotor 2's dark side actions similar to this? I feel like most dialogue is going to be absolutely ludicrous and out of place in the world. Any thoughts?

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Hello, I've beaten kotor 1 many times and I've beaten kotor 2 a couple times as well but only as light side. I want to try kotor 2 as dark side, but I'm afraid its going to end up like kotor 1. In kotor 1 being dark side was pretty stupid, it consisted of dialogue of mostly:


random npc: "Hello, could we talk for a second?"


Dark side character: "I WILL KILL YOUR WHOLE FAMILY!"


Are Kotor 2's dark side actions similar to this? I feel like most dialogue is going to be absolutely ludicrous and out of place in the world. Any thoughts?

It's been a long time since I played Kotor2, but I seem to remember the dark side been more of a Quentin Tarantino kind of dark side rather than the Dr. Evil kind of Kotor1 villainy. Time may have coloured my perception of course and your mileage may vary :p

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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There are a mix of options. You can go full metal moron if you want, but there are manipulative DS options, too, with rather wider consequences than whether or not you make another 30 credits.

This particularly rapid, unintelligible patter isn't generally heard, and if it is, it doesn't matter.

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i found playing darkside rather dull


people who would gain influence with darkside options would mostly gain when you went for the "you answered my question, so i have no more use for you. DIE!" options


plus i never really liked any of those characters

HK47 is disappointing. T3M4, a utility droid, gets more feats than a supposed combat droid :p

G0T0 just sucks

Mandalore is okay, but hearing "for Clan Ordo" constantly just started to irritate me

Hanharr may be strong and have lots of hitpoints, but the fact that he can't wear any armour/helmets means he constantly gets hurt. plus Mira is waaaaaaaay better

when your mind works against you - fight back with substance abuse!

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IIRC with most of your disciple, once you have them in your party and locked in, they'll happily run along with your being a darksider, and you'll gain influence with them for doing darkside as long as you basically give them the "It was necessary" line.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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