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Is... *nothing* sacred?

Monte Carlo

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As long as they don't try to remake Casablanca..

I mean, hell, they remade the Philadelphia Story as a Musical version and had Bing Crosby taking Cary Grant's role... So you can't exactly say the remakes/reboots of classics is something new..

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Honestly, I kinda liked Indy 4. It had some stupid headslappy bits, but I get where they were coming from and to say the least, the movie sure entertained me. The Indy flicks were based on crappy serials, and then twenty years later they make one that's based on crappy serials twenty years later (specifically terrible sci-fi). That MacGuffin didn't bother me. Just the awkward pacing, oversaturated colors, special effects that me and my fellow animation students found downright disrespectful (it's like they didn't even care) and ridiculous dialogue. If they had gone with Darabont's draft (which is I believe still available on the web for those interested, confirmed as the real deal titled Indiana Jones and the City of Gods) and took the effects and cinematography seriously, I would have seriously adored it, nuked fridge and all.

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