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Question to Brits


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Haven't had a single decent burger from Burger King, I honestly can't think of anywhere that I've been in the world that despite location deals up crap food like Burger King. Hesburger really is superior.


Which reminds me, the last Burger King I had made me ill.


As did the last Hesburger product I had to eat. :yucky:


Strange, it's hardly gourmet, but in my personal experiences Burger King has beat whatever we have available on the fastfood burger market. Of course, there's really nothing like a Hilton Bacon Burger, but at 20 euros + drinks, it's not exactly in the same ballpark.


Guess it's just the greener grass and all that.


The Hesburger I had in Helsinki was nice. My main problem is I've had multiple bad experience's at Burger King, and yeah I'll choose McDonnalds over BK.

I came up with Crate 3.0 technology. 

Crate 4.0 - we shall just have to wait and see.

Down and out on the Solomani Rim
Now the Spinward Marches don't look so GRIM!


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Fast Food is a weird one. America had some terrible fast food, I think chic fil a was the only barely-tolerable, yet in New Zealand even McDonalds tastes alright. Korean fast food is great as well, possibly because of the massive competition between domestic and foreign brands. You get all kinds of totally weird items that sound like nightmares but are somehow popular.


Anyway, I'm still looking up UK universities and think Sussex sounds quite nice. How it is to live, I don't know? I'm going to end up making at least a dozen applications so here's hoping there's at least one. The bloody scholarship office in my own university gave me a helpful "try Google" when I asked about funding myself. Seriously. You'd think bureaucracy wouldn't be that stupid in such a small country.


You folks in UK, do you travel to Europe often? Is it still a hassle money/logistics wise or is it really quite easy by now?

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Anyway, I'm still looking up UK universities and think Sussex sounds quite nice.


It's a nice county with some lovely countryside. The university is well-regarded and it's easy to get to London.


You folks in UK, do you travel to Europe often? Is it still a hassle money/logistics wise or is it really quite easy by now?


That depends where you live. I live in the South so travel to Europe via ferry or Eurostar is easy and I am a frequent visitor to France, Switzerland and Italy. I rarely fly, driving around Europe is brilliant the French have excellent toll roads.


Even as a foot passenger on a ferry you can visit France cheaply, cycling is very popular. Normandy is good for that, it's one of my favourite parts of France. OTOH if you live in the Northeast then really you are nearer Scandinavia than France, travelling by road to the South coast sea ports wold be a bit of a pain.


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You folks in UK, do you travel to Europe often? Is it still a hassle money/logistics wise or is it really quite easy by now?


It's never been a hassle. It easier though, and I've seen a fair bit of Europe, but truth me known, I'm mostly interested in Scandinavian nations as I've little tolerance for heat.


Edit: I live in the south currently, but grew up in the north. I don't like the south of England much, I find it pretentious, but this is mostly because I'm in Surrey, and despise London.

Edited by Nightshape

I came up with Crate 3.0 technology. 

Crate 4.0 - we shall just have to wait and see.

Down and out on the Solomani Rim
Now the Spinward Marches don't look so GRIM!


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To the English, what do you think of Norwich? My grandmother is from there which means I have distant kin there.

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^ Night, Is it true that they've got central heating up there now?


Yeah, and that stuff the parson calls electrickery.

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tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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