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Severance/Blade of Darkness

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Yesterday I finally got the damn game from eBay. Apparently I had used an address that was five years old. I have moved since, but the Swedish Postal thingie found me anyhow. I find that strangely comforting and worrying at the same time.


Anyhow, I'll probably try installing it later today (after work.. and gym.. and looking at naked girls on the internet).

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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First ogre is easy, they're so slow, but that first troll...sheesh. I used to hate Mines because the beginning threw one with two orcs on me. And one of them was a bloody archer.


They're tons easier with the barbarian character though, once you get the hang of him(olol), since you'll have to learn to dodge anyway as a two-handed weapon specialist, and dodging is the key to those bastards. Hell, dodging is the key to mostly everything. Except perhaps golems...brrr...

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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Both his shield and his weapon drain your health. Don't worry about the guy, I was stuck on him for about a week when I first played(naturally didn't try to beat him constantly though). He is hard for everyone, so here's a few tricks:


1. Give him a wide berth, but stay close enough that he won't teleport. All the attacks he does are life-drainers, so watch out.


2. Start by first estimating how quick a reaction time he has, then choose a long combo attack, say, the Dream, if you've dragged the Elf Sword until Isle of Karum that is. Now try to time the combo so that the final slash connects with the Vampire. If you start a combo from far away enough, he won't react, won't go into defensive stance so to say.


3. Continue this until his health starts to drop, watching that your progress isn't wasted by being drained dry of blood.


4. Once you get him down to a certain amount of health, he starts to teleport constantly. Don't panic, learn to do the "back attack" combo beforehand. It's a life saver here, with good timing you'll hit the bastard once he reappears behind you.


Alternatively, you could either a) throw a weapon against his shield until it breaks and then combo like mad until he drops or b) run around and try to kill him by simply doing the back attack everytime he teleports. I've killed him at least with plan "b". The life-draining sword you got from the previous level is also handy here. Give it a go. And, should you find that sword lacking, there's the knight's newest(and so far the most powerful damage wise) weapon inside the dark tower where you are right now. Load a previous save and go look for, if you haven't found it yet.


Above all, don't give up. Karum is probably my fave levels, but the ones after it just as good.

kirottu said:
I was raised by polar bears. I had to fight against blood thirsty wolves and rabid penguins to get my food. Those who were too weak to survive were sent to Sweden.


It has made me the man I am today. A man who craves furry hentai.

So let us go and embrace the rustling smells of unseen worlds

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  • 5 months later...
Okay! I managed to get it installed by tricking it (thanks to compatibility manager) into thinking it's XP SP2 rather than 98 or ME.


Now, I've downloaded the OpenGL raster as well. But when I fire it up, I can see the opening movie...but then a black screen and crash to desktop! And to add insult to injury, it spits out an out of memory message & c++ runtime error!


C'mon resident techies. Show a little severance for your fellow forumite.





just recently tried to install BOD on my Windows 7, successful to install but then same problem with that you'd described above.


Had you found the solution to this. Really want to paly this game.



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Okay! I managed to get it installed by tricking it (thanks to compatibility manager) into thinking it's XP SP2 rather than 98 or ME.


Now, I've downloaded the OpenGL raster as well. But when I fire it up, I can see the opening movie...but then a black screen and crash to desktop! And to add insult to injury, it spits out an out of memory message & c++ runtime error!


C'mon resident techies. Show a little severance for your fellow forumite.





just recently tried to install BOD on my Windows 7, successful to install but then same problem with that you'd described above.


Had you found the solution to this. Really want to paly this game.



And so you should, because BoD is an awesome game!


What you need to do is install the OpenGL raster mentioned in my previous post: http://forums.obsidian.net/index.php?showt...st&p=980320


Have fun chopping up Orcs. :ermm:

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Oh right. I forgot that I bought this. I should probably get around to playing it soon.. just as I should with Mass Effect.. zzz.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Okay! I managed to get it installed by tricking it (thanks to compatibility manager) into thinking it's XP SP2 rather than 98 or ME.


Now, I've downloaded the OpenGL raster as well. But when I fire it up, I can see the opening movie...but then a black screen and crash to desktop! And to add insult to injury, it spits out an out of memory message & c++ runtime error!


C'mon resident techies. Show a little severance for your fellow forumite.





just recently tried to install BOD on my Windows 7, successful to install but then same problem with that you'd described above.


Had you found the solution to this. Really want to paly this game.



And so you should, because BoD is an awesome game!


What you need to do is install the OpenGL raster mentioned in my previous post: http://forums.obsidian.net/index.php?showt...st&p=980320


Have fun chopping up Orcs. :)


hello, tq for replying to my query. I did follow your guide butfailed to play it.. still the same error occured. I did follow to install it in XP SP3 mode and run the exe in 98/ME mode but nothings changed.


Did i missed something.


Thanks again.

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I managed to run this on Win7 (with the OpenGL rasterizer), but the second I saw the game ingame, I quit and uninstalled.


You gotta agree it's really ugly.

Don't be a graphics whore.


It's almost 10 years old, and was pretty decent looking for the time. Regardless, BoD is about its awesome sword-fighting gameplay, not pretty-boy dolled-up looks.

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