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I been looking to replace my 19" crt with a new LCD. Price range is about $200 to $275(US). Any suggestions would be

appreciated. I'm leaning to either a Samsung or LG for no particular reason. Thanks in advance.

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well, at home i have a samsung syncmaster, 21" i think... can't recall. it works ok. on my desk here (right now) i have a dell 2208WFPt. i'm using it with a standard DB25 cable, rather than the DVI one, which may explain why the colors are wrong. the monitor is otherwise OK and i'm beginning to get used to widescreen mode even on a PC (PC widescreen is 16x10, not 16x9 as with HDTV).


dang it, now i just noticed that this monitor has a DVI input, my vid card has one of those double DVI outputs (not sure what it's called), and i don't have a single DVI cable in the entire building (though i have a double to two singles adapter).



comrade taks... just because.

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Oh wait, I just saw your price range.. I'd still say: spare your eyes and spend a little extra on the monitor. It's the only part of the computer you'll always be using, no matter what you do.


(And no, I can't edit my earlier post..)


This instead then: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16824001273


Same monitor, but more gaming oriented and without speakers and the extras. $299.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Argh, I still can't edit! But I also noticed that Newegg has a $30 mail-in rebate on the last monitor I suggested. That would take it down to $270! Not bad at all for a monitor of that size, quality and design.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Argh, I still can't edit! But I also noticed that Newegg has a $30 mail-in rebate on the last monitor I suggested. That would take it down to $270! Not bad at all for a monitor of that size, quality and design.

Thanks mkreku,

I think this one tops the list now. Just got to wait for payday. I using a 20" Viewsonic GT800(yea its ancient) which takes

up 75% desk space, it will good to have some breathing room.

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hehe, read the reviews for that monitor. starts off with one guy griping, legitimately, about the monitor flickering. of course, the obvious path is to return it and see if the problem is endemic to the product, or just a one-off. so he follows up his comment with "I couldnt even return it because i trashed the box..." and feels justified giving it a 1 out of 5 rating.



comrade taks... just because.

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That baloney with the package being intact don't fly with danish legislation. If you have a receipt and you had to break the wrapping to get to it, they have to return it. That don't stop them from forgetting to tell you that bit of information when you take it back though.


I guess there is just something fundamentally amoral and shifty about sales clarks.

Na na  na na  na na  ...

greg358 from Darksouls 3 PVP is a CHEATER.

That is all.


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I found the Samsung SyncMaster T220 22" Widescreen Black Flat Panel LCD Monitor for $249.99 at Dell of all places. I never had a problem

returning anything even without the box. If you remain calm and not take no for an answer you usual can at least exchange whatever you


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yup, particularly at newegg. they have one of the most liberal return policies i've seen (well, since best buy used to accept any software within 30 days of purchase).


If you have a receipt and you had to break the wrapping to get to it, they have to return it.

i think this guy said "destroyed" not just "opened," but i agree with your point in either case.



comrade taks... just because.

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I still have my old beat up 22' CRT. I got used to it I guess. Still beats any LCD for color reproduction.


CRTs benefit from 32 bit color, but get this, LCDs aren't even true 16 bit, they cheat and use interpolation. Friend of mine was able to turn the firmware off his mac screen and it was plain as day how sucky they were without it. Gradients had visible borders.


Prolly gonna get one anyway though, costs less in power, doesn't take up half a desk, easier on the eyes etc.

Na na  na na  na na  ...

greg358 from Darksouls 3 PVP is a CHEATER.

That is all.


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Depends on the technology. Don't go for a TN-panel if you want good colors. Nowadays, there are even displays that have a real 10bit per channel (would equal 40bit in the way the usual "32bit" are counted, which is what graphics cards use internally, but usually don't pass on to the monitor). Ok, I don't know if they are anyway near affordable...

Citizen of a country with a racist, hypocritical majority

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Depends on the technology. Don't go for a TN-panel if you want good colors. Nowadays, there are even displays that have a real 10bit per channel (would equal 40bit in the way the usual "32bit" are counted, which is what graphics cards use internally, but usually don't pass on to the monitor). Ok, I don't know if they are anyway near affordable...

Hahahaha! No. Not even close.

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i tell you what, this silly dell monitor i'm using at the office now, the 22" widescreen, makes no sense. i always though the proper view was head on. not so with this one. i'm actually getting the right gamma/contrast/whatever when i'm looking down. for example, the different colors on this board, varying levels of gray i suppose, are almost indistinguishable (other than the quote boxes) when i'm looking head on. looking down, perhaps from 10-15 degrees above level, they appear correctly. annoying since i'd rather slouch at my desk. :lol:



comrade taks... just because.

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